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Geographical distribution of people, including population characteristics and activity levels, aggregated by grid, region, administrative unit or other analytical unit.
Boundaries of the natural spaces of Catalonia that form part of the European Natura 2000 network. Natura 2000 is a European ecological network of areas that may have been proposed as special protection areas for birds (ZEPA) in accordance with the Directive 2009/147/CEE, also known as the Birds Directive, and/or as Special Areas of Conservation (ZEC) in accordance with Directive 92/43/CEE, also known as the Habitats Directive. This data set is conforming to the technical specifications of INSPIRE Protected sites.
Description and representation of lakes, rivers and other waters, with their phenomena and all hydrographic-related elements, both natural and artificial.
WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 1 - Elevation, of Annex II of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing the dataset of Elevation of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from spot elevations from the Territorial Topographic Reference of Catalonia.
WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 9 - Protected sites, of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing the dataset of Protected sites Natura 2000 of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the data set Natura 2000 network sites.
WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 10 - Demography, of Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing demographic data of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements.
Limits of the areas of natural interest defined in Decree 328/1992, which approves the Plan of areas of natural interest (PEIN), and any subsequent modifications that may have occurred. The PEIN establishes a network of spaces representative of the rich landscape and biodiversity of Catalonia, from high mountains to coastal plains, and from Euro-Siberian forests to semi-desert wastelands or marine spaces. The PEIN is the higher level planning instrument that structures the system of protected areas of Catalonia and integrates this system within the whole territory, as it is a sectorial territorial plan framed within the Territorial Plan of Catalonia (1995). Subsequent to its approval, specific modifications to the rules and limits have been approved by decree, as well as extensions or additions of new spaces. This data set is conforming to the technical specifications of INSPIRE Protected sites.
Spot elevations, with orthometric heights referred to the European Vertical Reference System (EVRS). This data set is conforming to the technical specifications of INSPIRE Elevation.
Limits of the figures defined in Law 12/1985, of natural spaces: national park, natural places of national interest, natural reserves and natural parks. It also contains the limits of wildlife reserves defined in Legislative Decree 2/2008, of 15 April, approving the Revised Text of the Animal Protection Act. The limits of each space are established in the legal regulations by which the space is declared or modified. This data set is conforming to the technical specifications of INSPIRE Protected sites.
Interactive map of Castellserà is a set of data regarding the location of services and facilities in the municipality. Map data are represented in a viewer, on a map background. The points identified in this data set correspond to: urban facilities, companies and shops, hotels and restaurants, municipal offices or places of interest. For each point, the name of the place or establishment and the postal address.