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    Mosaic of georeferenced nautical charts.

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    The orthophoto is a cartographic document that consists of a vertical aerial image which has been rectified in such a way that the same scale is kept in the entire surface of the image, being a geometric representation on scale of the terrestrial surface. It is a orthophoto with a resolution of 25 cm generated from images with a pixel resolution variable according to the zones. The infrared orthophoto (OI-25C) provides information about the infrared area of the electromagnetic spectrum. Shows the combination of IRC bands that correspond to Infrared, Red and Green channels, a combination called "false color".

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    The orthophoto is a cartographic document that consists of a vertical aerial image which has been rectified in such a way that the same scale is kept in the entire surface of the image, being a geometric representation on scale of the terrestrial surface. It is a orthophoto with a resolution of 25 cm generated from images with a pixel resolution variable according to the zones. The color orthophoto (OF-25C) provides information about the visible area of the electromagnetic spectrum. Shows the combination of RGB bands that correspond to the Red, Green and Blue channels, a combination called "natural color".

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    Representation, as a grid of 20 m resolution, of the following biophysical variables of the trees (the one identified in the Land Cover Map of Catalonia as wooded forest masses), which allow to know the structure of the wooded mass: Total aerial biomass; Total aerial carbon; Volume with bark; Foliar biomass; Basal area; Tree cover; Average normal diameter; Medium height; Foliar area index (available in some editions only); Density of feet per hectare (available only in some editions).

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    The orthophoto is a cartographic document that consists of a vertical aerial image which has been rectified in such a way that the same scale is kept in the entire surface of the image, being a geometric representation on scale of the terrestrial surface. It is a orthophoto with a resolution of 25 cm generated from images with a pixel resolution variable according to the zones. The infrared orthophoto (OI-25C) provides information about the infrared area of the electromagnetic spectrum. Shows the combination of IRC bands that correspond to Infrared, Red and Green channels, a combination called "false color".

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    Orthophotomap consisting of 22 aerial photographs at scale 1:1000 of the municipality of Granollers.

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    Set of provincial thematic maps.

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    Orthoimage representing the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), with a resolution of 1 m. This index makes it possible to estimate the quantity, quality and development of vegetation, based on the normalized difference between the radiation reflected in the infrared band of the electromagnetic spectrum with respect to the red band of the visible spectrum. This set of information is distributed in 2 by-products: Real NDVI orthoimage, where each pixel takes the real value of the index in question (between -1 and 1), in such a way that it facilitates exhaustive studies but requires advanced software; 8-bit NDVI orthoimage, where each pixel takes the value of the index in question but discretized to an integer range between 0 and 200, so that it facilitates an overview.

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    Mosaic of the territory of Catalonia made from rectified images, with a spatial resolution of 10 meters, captured in a specific month by the multispectral sensor (MSI) of the Sentinel-2 satellites within the framework of the Copernicus program. It contains information from the red, green, blue, and near infrared bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. This mosaic is distributed in 4 by-products: 16-bit natural color orthoimage (red, green, and blue bands); 16-bit infrared orthoimage (near infrared, red, and green bands); 8-bit natural color orthoimage (red, green, and blue bands); and 8-bit infrared orthoimage (near infrared, red, and green bands).