

386 record(s)
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    Thematic coverage of the municipalities of Catalonia in which the obligation or recommendation of the municipality to draw up the Municipal Action Plan (PAM) for emergency risk due to pandemic is represented, as well as the plan's current status.

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    The ZIF is defined as the minimum safety strip necessary to ensure the feasibility of self-protection of vulnerable elements in the context of an accident in the transport of hazardous materials. The extent of this area is conditioned by the necessary response time and the intensity of the effects of foreseeable accidents. The distances of the ZIFs for the scenarios of powerful toxic cloud, short-range toxic cloud, severe explosion, flammable cloud and puddle fire are set out in “The DGPC Technical Instruction on Reporting Minimum Conditions that they must comply with the new urban developments to be located within the areas identified as of chemical risk in the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail ”(ITMMPP, hereinafter).

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    Points representing the different logistics centers for the natural gas distribution or storage.

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    Theoretical acoustic coverage of the damn sirens.

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    Associations registered in the special register of associations of Civil Protection volunteers of Catalonia

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    The ZIF is defined as the minimum safety strip necessary to ensure the feasibility of self-protection of vulnerable elements in the context of an accident in the transport of hazardous materials. The extent of this area is conditioned by the necessary response time and the intensity of the effects of foreseeable accidents. The distances of the ZIFs for the scenarios of powerful toxic cloud, short-range toxic cloud, severe explosion, flammable cloud and puddle fire are set out in “The DGPC Technical Instruction on Reporting Minimum Conditions that they must comply with the new urban developments to be located within the areas identified as of chemical risk in the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail ”(ITMMPP, hereinafter).

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    Points where power plants are located and are critical in case of snow.