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Future trends in agriculture (formed by the Agrarian Dynamics, the degree of potentiality and the degree of vulnerability)
Information of the Natural Environment in the framework of the SITxell project. Vegetation landscape structure classes in UTM of 2x2 km, from the Habitats Cartography of Catalonia.
Information of the Natural Environment within the framework of the SITxell project.
Information on the Natural Environment in the framework of the SITxell project. Natural habitats, and corresponding valuation, in the fluvial area of the main courses of the Llobregat river basin up to the city of Abrera, differentiated by river basins and sub-basins.
Information of the Natural Environment in the framework of the SITxell project. Hydrogeological units based on lithological units.
Information of the Natural Environment within the framework of the SITxell project.
View that shows for each polygon of the habitat map the length of contact with adjacent primary habitats (according to the reclassification into 25 categories established by SITxell). This view also details the length of contact and the corresponding percentage of each polygon with large environments (natural, agricultural, aquatic and artificial).
Information of the Natural Environment in the framework of the SITxell project. Vulnerability of hydrogeological units to pollution by spills.
Information of the Natural Environment within the framework of the SITxell project.
Tarragona's environment is a dataset in which you can find: environmental information (pest control, education, hunting and fishing, Agenda 21, World Environment Day and International Human Rights Day, Waste Management, Environmental Quality and Space Plan green), beaches (Regulations, flags, Manuals of good practices, Rescue and Lifeguard Service, wildlife on the beaches, state of the beaches, water quality), paths (slow path network, Tarragona path project , the green ring, incidents, recommendations and good practices), green spaces (natural parks, itineraries, urban parks, trees, squares, landscape and architecture) and the green telephone. We can also find links and interesting and topicality news.