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The municipal database of addresses of Catalonia contains, for each municipality, the set of addresses of places where people can live or activities can be carried out, described by means of a couple of representative coordinates of the site, in two dimensions (2D), and attributes that specify the location and path. This set of data corresponds to the municipality of Vilamalla.
The municipal database of addresses of Catalonia contains, for each municipality, the set of addresses of places where people can live or activities can be carried out, described by means of a couple of representative coordinates of the site, in two dimensions (2D), and attributes that specify the location and path. This set of data corresponds to the municipality of Menàrguens.
Services and facilities of Brunyola and Sant Martí Sapresa is a set of data that, through a web portal, shows all the municipal facilities such as the Town Hall, the various multipurpose and meeting rooms, the industrial area, the camping area, the cemientiri or the children's area. All the equipment contains a map viewer with a link to see its location and address.
The municipal database of addresses of Catalonia contains, for each municipality, the set of addresses of places where people can live or activities can be carried out, described by means of a couple of representative coordinates of the site, in two dimensions (2D), and attributes that specify the location and path. This set of data corresponds to the municipality of Santa Pau.
The municipal database of addresses of Catalonia contains, for each municipality, the set of addresses of places where people can live or activities can be carried out, described by means of a couple of representative coordinates of the site, in two dimensions (2D), and attributes that specify the location and path. This set of data corresponds to the municipality of Espolla.
Location map of the commercial areas of the municipality of Granollers.
The municipal database of addresses of Catalonia contains, for each municipality, the set of addresses of places where people can live or activities can be carried out, described by means of a couple of representative coordinates of the site, in two dimensions (2D), and attributes that specify the location and path. This set of data corresponds to the municipality of Molló.