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Subsidiary planning regulation (NNSS) of La Fuliola is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographical information of the NNSS of La Fuliola consists of two cartography blocks: Information plans and Management plans; all of them in PDF format. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the NNSS plans are: general and organic structure, land classification, zoning of urban and urbanizable land, sanitation infrastructures and regulation of undevelopable land.
Noms dels carrers de Girona, cartografia digital d'anotacions
Delimitació de les àrees bàsiques de salut a Girona. Cartografia digital en format SIG i mapa en pdf: 297x420 mm. E/ 1:20 000
Subsidiary planning regulation (NNSS) of Tírvia is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographical information of the NNSS of Tírvia consists of two cartography blocks: Information plans and Management plans; all of them in PDF format. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the NNSS plans are: general and organic structure, land classification, zoning of urban and urbanizable land, sanitation infrastructures and regulation of undevelopable land.
Eixos viaris de Girona, amb informació associada del seu codi, tipus de via i nom.
Pla d'Ordenació Urbanística Municipal (POUM) of Sant Joan de Vilatorrada is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographical information of the POUM of Sant Joan de Vilatorrada consists of multiple plans, all of them in PDF format, which form two blocks of cartography: information plans and management plans. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the POUM planes are: general and organic structure, land classification, zoning of urban and building land, regulation of the building and regulation of non-urbanizable land.
it determines, for each municipality of the coast, danger and global vulnerability of accidental contamination of marine waters, as well as the risk of danger and vulnerability combination. The danger takes into account the fixed and mobile focus and vulnerability is determined by socio-economic and environmental.
Pla d'Ordenació Urbanística Municipal (POUM) of Corbera d'Ebre is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographical information of the POUM of Corbera d'Ebre consists of multiple plans, all of them in PDF format, which form two blocks of cartography: information plans and management plans. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the POUM planes are: general and organic structure, land classification, zoning of urban and building land, regulation of the building and regulation of non-urbanizable land.
The information set of surfaces affected by wildfires contains the delimitation of areas affected by forest fires, considered with strong environmental impact, described by its representation in two dimensions in scale 1:50,000 and attributes that describe its semantic.
La Base de dades municipal d'adreces de Catalunya conté, per a cada municipi, el conjunt d'adreces de llocs on hi poden viure persones o s'hi poden desenvolupar activitats, descrites mitjançant un parell de coordenades representatives del lloc, en dues dimensions (2D), i uns atributs que especifiquen la localització i ruta d'accés. Aquest conjunt de dades correspon al municipi de Foradada.