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INSPIRE production and industrial facilitiesce of the Barcelona Provincial Council.
INSPIRE electricity network (street lighting) of the Barcelona Provincial Council.
The orthophoto is a cartographic document that consists of a vertical aerial image which has been rectified in such a way that the same scale is kept in the entire surface of the image, being a geometric representation on scale of the terrestrial surface. It is a orthophoto with a resolution of 25 cm generated from images with a pixel resolution variable according to the zones. The color orthophoto (OF-25C) provides information about the visible area of the electromagnetic spectrum. Shows the combination of RGB bands that correspond to the Red, Green and Blue channels, a combination called "natural color".
El Mapa municipal és el document resultant de la delimitació completa d'un municipi, tal i com estableix el Decret 209/2015 i el Decret 244/2007. El Mapa municipal de Catalunya és una base de dades 2D d'escala 1:5000 dels traçats de les línies i fites corresponents als límits municipals oficials del territori de Catalunya.
Servei ecosistèmic - Estructures, processos i funcions ecosistèmiques. Model generat a partir de la combinació de dades LIDAR (LIDARCAT) i inventaris forestals (IFN3).
Topographic cartography covering part of Catalonia (urban areas, traces of roads, rivers, shorelines, etc.), compiled in 3 dimensions. Scale of reference: 1:1 000.
Topographic cartography covering part of Catalonia (urban areas, traces of roads, rivers, shorelines, etc.), compiled in 3 dimensions. Scale of reference: 1:1 000.
Topographic cartography covering part of Catalonia (urban areas, traces of roads, rivers, shorelines, etc.), compiled in 3 dimensions. Scale of reference: 1:1 000.
Topographic cartography covering part of Catalonia (urban areas, traces of roads, rivers, shorelines, etc.), compiled in 3 dimensions. Scale of reference: 1:1 000.
Topographic cartography covering part of Catalonia (urban areas, traces of roads, rivers, shorelines, etc.), compiled in 3 dimensions. Scale of reference: 1:1 000.