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Allows visualization and query vector data and information associated alphanumeric Networks Hydrological Environment Control, as defined in Directive 2000/60 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy in the form of networks.
Set of buildings in the province of Barcelona, potential for use of photovoltaic installations on roofs.
Province-wide study assessing the vulnerability of forests to drought.
Map of paths defined in the Special Plan of the Natural Heritage of the municipality.
Municipal services and facilities in the province of Barcelona, potential for the use of biomass.
Set of provincial thematic maps.
Map of natural spaces of municipal interest defined in the Special Plan for Natural Heritage
Tarragona's environment is a dataset in which you can find: environmental information (pest control, education, hunting and fishing, Agenda 21, World Environment Day and International Human Rights Day, Waste Management, Environmental Quality and Space Plan green), beaches (Regulations, flags, Manuals of good practices, Rescue and Lifeguard Service, wildlife on the beaches, state of the beaches, water quality), paths (slow path network, Tarragona path project , the green ring, incidents, recommendations and good practices), green spaces (natural parks, itineraries, urban parks, trees, squares, landscape and architecture) and the green telephone. We can also find links and interesting and topicality news.
The Land cover map of Catalonia of 2009 with a simplified legend to 41 classes is a geographic information dataset of high resolution with the main types of Catalan land covers as urbanized, farming, forestry areas or water bodies derived from the Land Cover Map of Catalonia of 2009 version 4 (CREAF).
Map of landscape management units (agroforestry, river, agricultural plain and peri-urban) of the municipality.