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    La Vall de Bianya Acoustic Capacity Map is a set of cartographic information that aims to prevent, prevent or reduce noise pollution to which the population and the environment is exposed, and to preserve and / or improve the acoustic quality of the territory . The data set is formed by a document in PDF format that contains a plan, which represents, by means of vector data, the immission levels set as quality objectives in each specific territory. The cartography classifies the spaces of the municipality of la Vall de Bianya in: Zone of high acoustic sensitivity (A), Zone of moderate acoustic sensitivity (B), Zone of low acoustic sensitivity (C); categories that are broken down into subcategories referenced with an alphanumeric code.

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    Sant Joan de les Abadesses Acoustic Capacity Map is a set of cartographic information that aims to prevent, prevent or reduce noise pollution to which the population and the environment is exposed, and to preserve and / or improve the acoustic quality of the territory. The data set consists of three plans in PDF format, which represent, by means of vector data, the immission levels set as quality objectives in each determined territory. The cartography classifies the spaces of the municipality of Sant Joan de les Abadesses in: Zone of high acoustic sensitivity (A), Zone of moderate acoustic sensitivity (B), Zone of low acoustic sensitivity (C); categories that are broken down into subcategories referenced with an alphanumeric code.

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    Pla d'Ordenació Urbanística Municipal (POUM) of Montmeló is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographical information of the POUM of Montmeló consists of multiple plans, all of them in PDF format, which form two blocks of cartography: information plans and management plans. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the POUM planes are: general and organic structure, land classification, zoning of urban and building land, regulation of the building and regulation of non-urbanizable land.

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    Refurbishment of urban planning by Badalona City Council is an informative cartographic instrument, which represents the urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the territory of Badalona. The cartography consists of four cartographic files in PDF format. The aspects of the municipality that define this cartography are the following: Qualification of the ground and systems, Zones in urbanizable ground, Zones in urban ground, Zones in nonurbanizable ground and Typologies not included in the General Metropolitan Plan (PGM).

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    The Special plan for the Protection and Conservation of the architectural heritage of Igualada is the cartographic instrument that locates the elements of patrimonial and monumental interest of the municipality of Igualada. This document, in PDF format, is part of the General Management Plan (PGO) of Igualada. The data set identifies the following assets: historical complex, buildings and constructions, architectural element, historic garden, archaeological site, place and area of ethnological interest and area of natural and landscape interest. For each listed property or element, the heritage catalog offers a file with complementary information that identifies and describes the architectural element.

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    Districts of Manresa according to neighborhood associations is a set of cartographic information in PDF format, referring to the administrative delimitation of the districts according to the neighborhood associations within the municipality of Manresa. The archives also include the names of each of the districts and represent the city's main roads.