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    The orthophoto is a cartographic document that consists of a vertical aerial image which has been rectified in such a way that the same scale is kept in the entire surface of the image, being a geometric representation on scale of the terrestrial surface. It is a orthophoto with a resolution of 25 cm generated from images with a pixel resolution variable according to the zones. The color orthophoto (OF-25C) provides information about the visible area of the electromagnetic spectrum. Shows the combination of RGB bands that correspond to the Red, Green and Blue channels, a combination called "natural color".

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    The boreholes database is an inventory of subsurface data in Catalonia through the collection of available geological and geotechnical survey information. The surveys are classified into three groups: surveys, penetrometers and trial pits.

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    Location of industrial establishments dedicated to agricultural, food, forestry and fishing activities in Catalonia, with their address, contact details, sector to which they belong and activities they carry out, and RIACC and CCAE codes.

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    Orthoimage representing the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), with a resolution of 1 m. This index makes it possible to estimate the quantity, quality and development of vegetation, based on the normalized difference between the radiation reflected in the infrared band of the electromagnetic spectrum with respect to the red band of the visible spectrum. This set of information is distributed in 2 by-products: Real NDVI orthoimage, where each pixel takes the real value of the index in question (between -1 and 1), in such a way that it facilitates exhaustive studies but requires advanced software; 8-bit NDVI orthoimage, where each pixel takes the value of the index in question but discretized to an integer range between 0 and 200, so that it facilitates an overview.

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    The Soil Map of Catalonia 1: 250 000 is the result of the synthesis of the edaphological data available at the time of its preparation, in 2018. This process, carried out by the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, has consisted of in the compilation, analysis and correlation of the cartographic information obtained in the different soil mapping works that have been executed in Catalonia since the 70's of the last century.

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    The GeoBase of soils of Catalonia v1.0 is a database intended to store information on soils caught in the field and that necessary for generate soil maps of the territory of Catalonia at different scales, such as the Soil Map 1: 25,000 of Catalonia (MSC25M), or other maps that have been previously prepared (eg at scales 1: 25,000 and 1: 250,000). Contains information on soil profiles with varying levels of detail captured in the field (observations and pits), the composition on horizons, some of its physical and chemical characteristics as well as different types of soils that appear in an area, its spatial distribution.

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    Toponyms (place names) present in the cartography of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, such as the names of municipalities and heads of municipalities, population centres and isolated buildings, facilities and equipment, relief elements (oronyms), hydrographic network and point hydrography (hydronyms), protected areas and other unique elements of the territory; with the coordinates of the point where they are located.

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    The municipal database of addresses of Catalonia contains, for each municipality, the set of addresses of places where people can live or activities can be carried out, described by means of a couple of representative coordinates of the site, in two dimensions (2D), and attributes that specify the location and path. This set of data corresponds to the municipality of Sant Martí Vell.

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    Identification of territories characterized by a combination of natural, cultural and symbolic elements, which give them a distinct character from the rest and which are recognized as such by the population. These territories are called landscape units, and they give as much importance to the dynamic, perceptive and experiential elements of the landscape as to the more static and material ones when defining its character.

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    Names of the streets of the municipalities of Catalonia.