

37 record(s)
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    Information regarding an area exposed to an avalanche. Mapped based on analysis of the terrain and of signs that avalanches leave in their path, mainly, in forests. In Avalanche Zones, avalanches occur frequently and are of different sizes. Avalanche Zones have been systematically mapped throughout the region. They are shown in orange. There are two types of Avalanche Zones: zones where avalanches usually follow the same path, shown in orange, and zones where avalanches usually follow different paths, shown in pale orange.

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    Synthesis of the geological constitution of Catalonia through the cartographic representation of lithostratigraphic geological units, major structural elements (unconformities, faults and folds) and types of contact between units. The situation of the soundings carried out for the exploration of hydrocarbons is also included.

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    The Soil Map of Catalonia 1: 250 000 is the result of the synthesis of the edaphological data available at the time of its preparation, in 2018. This process, carried out by the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, has consisted of in the compilation, analysis and correlation of the cartographic information obtained in the different soil mapping works that have been executed in Catalonia since the 70's of the last century.

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    Classification of soil according to its agrological capacity (ability to sustainably produce the most common crops in an area), in one of the 8 classes established by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia).

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    Map of the flood sectors of the municipality. This map shows the return periods of 10, 50,100, and 500 years.

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    Inventory of defence structures built to reduce the risk of avalanches. Single and lineal structures are documented, such as artificial avalanche release systems, road barriers, breakers, deflection structures, retention nets, screens, wind baffles, deflectors, rigid and flexible barriers, retention walls, reforestation and controlled areas.

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    Measurements of gravimetric anomalies and zoning of the territory according to them: the gravimetric anomaly of Bouguer at a scale of 1:250,000 and 1:500,000; the regional gravimetric anomaly at a scale of 1:250,000; and the residual gravimetric anomaly at a scale of 1:250,000.

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    The GeoBase of soils of Catalonia v1.0 is a database intended to store information on soils caught in the field and that necessary for generate soil maps of the territory of Catalonia at different scales, such as the Soil Map 1: 25,000 of Catalonia (MSC25M), or other maps that have been previously prepared (eg at scales 1: 25,000 and 1: 250,000). Contains information on soil profiles with varying levels of detail captured in the field (observations and pits), the composition on horizons, some of its physical and chemical characteristics as well as different types of soils that appear in an area, its spatial distribution.

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    Synthesis of the hydrogeological macrounits into which the territory can be divided, called hydrogeological areas, and classification of the formations of the Geological Map of Catalonia 1:250,000 according to their lithological characteristics, type of porosity and consolidation.

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    Information regarding an avalanche observed recently. Mapped based on direct observation of the event or observation following it. The information is obtained based on the nivometeorological observation network, rescue groups, countryside wardens, mountain guides, and ski and mountain resort personnel. In the event of important episodes and accidents the IGC technicians also gather information. The elements mapped mainly include the extent to which avalanches affect populated areas, roads, ski resorts and people who carry out mountain activities. Data began to be gathered in 1986. It is shown in blue.