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    Measurements of gravimetric anomalies and zoning of the territory according to them: the gravimetric anomaly of Bouguer at a scale of 1:250,000 and 1:500,000; the regional gravimetric anomaly at a scale of 1:250,000; and the residual gravimetric anomaly at a scale of 1:250,000.

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    Synthesis of the hydrogeological macrounits into which the territory can be divided, called hydrogeological areas, and classification of the formations of the Geological Map of Catalonia 1:250,000 according to their lithological characteristics, type of porosity and consolidation.

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    Soil of Catalonia. This data set is conforming to the technical specifications of INSPIRE Soil.

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    Physical properties and composition of geologic materials (rocks and sediments), their structure and their age as depicted in the Geological map 1:250,000, as well as geomorphological features, boreholes and hydrogeological units of Catalonia. This data set is conforming to the technical specifications of INSPIRE Geology (and Hydrogeology).

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    Magnetic anomaly measurements and zoning of the territory according to this at a scale of 1:250,000.

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    Synthesis of the geological constitution of Catalonia through the cartographic representation of lithostratigraphic geological units, major structural elements (unconformities, faults and folds) and types of contact between units. The situation of the soundings carried out for the exploration of hydrocarbons is also included.

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    The Soil Map of Catalonia 1: 250 000 is the result of the synthesis of the edaphological data available at the time of its preparation, in 2018. This process, carried out by the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, has consisted of in the compilation, analysis and correlation of the cartographic information obtained in the different soil mapping works that have been executed in Catalonia since the 70's of the last century.

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    Representation of the topography of Catalonia, that is, of the set of main landforms and morphological features that characterize the territory, at 1:250 000 scale.

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    Recomanació de plantacions per afavorir els pol·linitzadors en la restauració ambiental, segons formació vegetal. Presentada per Anselm Rodrigo i Jordi Bosch (CREAF) el novembre de 2018.

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    Recomanació de plantacions per afavorir els pol·linitzadors en la restauració ambiental, segons hàbitat. Presentada per Anselm Rodrigo i Jordi Bosch (CREAF) el novembre de 2018.