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WMS tile service of ICGC base map, at world-wide scope and that shows topographical information in different styles (in color, gray, simplified...), orthoimages and administrative divisions.
Tourist map of Santa Coloma de Gramenet is a set of cartographic information regarding the location of the streets and the location of the services and facilities in the municipality of Santa Coloma de Gramenet. The spatial representation of these data is carried out by means of a map, that shows the nomenclature and the drawn up one of the roads of the municipality; and that locates the equipment and the points of tourist interest.
It represents the areas of winter observation of avalanches.
The Thematic map of building heights of Sabadell is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This data set shows the height of each building of the Sabadell plot by a scale of chromatic values. The viewer identifies single-storey buildings up to twenty-two-storey buildings, having a category for each of the intervals. In addition, are independently classified unbuilt plots and uncoded volumes. Also, the viewer allows to search for streets and addresses.
It indicates whether or not the municipality exceeds any of the thresholds established as a criterion to determine whether it is obliged or recommended to draw up the Municipal Action Plan for seismic emergencies. In order to establish the obligation to draw up the action manual for municipal seismic emergencies, there are two criteria: exceeding the intensity threshold in this case greater than or equal to VII, or for exceeding reference damage, in this case case more than 50 uninhabitable buildings or more than 10% of the total uninhabitable buildings in the municipality. Municipalities that appear in white mean that they do not exceed these thresholds.
It represents the areas susceptible to triggering avalanches and their extent, based on geomorphological criteria and the French model "Carte de Localisation des Phénomènes d'Avalanche" (CLPA).
It represents the areas of avalanche observation by the population, identified from a population survey.
The Geodesic vertex network of Sabadell is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This data set shows the location of the geodesic vertices located inside the municipality of Sabadell. The viewer allows you to consult the geodesic vertices of these three geodetic networks: the Utility Network (XU), the Main Polygonal Network (XPP) and the Secondary Polygonal Network (XPS). For each vertex the respective unique identifier is shown. Also, the viewer allows to perform searches of streets, addresses and download the reviews of the vertices by their identifier.
Noise map and acoustic capacity of Sabadell. Allows you to consult the Daytime Noise Map (7 a.m. to 9 p.m.); evening (9pm to 11pm) and night (11pm to 7am) in decibel values dB(A) represented by themes according to immission levels, as well as Acoustic Zoning (acoustic capacity).
Seismic intensity (MSK scale) that can be expected for a return period of 500 years