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WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 3 - Geographical names, of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing the dataset of Geographical names of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the Place names database of Catalonia.
WMS service for visualization of the Geological map of Catalonia 1:50,000.
WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 9 - Protected sites, of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing the dataset of Protected sites ENPE of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the data set Natural Areas of Special Protection (ENPE).
WMS service for visualization of seismical information until 2019.
WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 1 - Elevation, of Annex II of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing the dataset of Elevation of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from spot elevations from the Territorial Topographic Reference of Catalonia.
WMS service for visualization of climate information, published by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia). It includes information from the Climate Atlas of Catalonia (rainfall, temperature, etc.) and from IDF cartography (rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency) by the Weather Service of Catalonia.
WMS service for visualization in accordance with the requirements of the INSPIRE Network Services Regulation that allows to view information related to Theme 3 - Orthoimagery, of Annex II of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. This information is part of the official geographic reference sets in Catalonia as mentioned in Annex 2 (Group II - 3 Orthoimagery) of Decree 62/2010, of May 18, of the Cartographic Plan of Catalonia. The service allows the visualization of the orthoimages of 25 cm of resolution (2,500 scale) most recents of Catalonia produced by the Cartographic and Geologic Institute of Catalonia (ICGC). The right of access or connection to the service is total (Level A, as established in the PCC).
WMS service for visualization of public facilities, published by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia). It includes information such as education facilities, old people facilities, toy libraries, social affairs offices, and headquarters of natural areas.
WMS service for visualization of biophysical variables of trees, such as total aerial biomass, total aerial carbon, volume with bark, foliar biomass, basal area, tree cover, average normal diameter, medium height, foliar area index and density of feet per hectare.
WMS service for visualization of information related to energy, published by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia). It includes information such as wind resources, wind farms and solar parks.