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    The Talavera Civil Protection Plan is the cartographic instrument that allows us to know and assess the existing risks in the municipality of Talavera, so that we can establish action protocols when these give rise to an emergency situation. The set of geographical information of the Civil Protection Plan of Talavera consists of seven maps; all in PDF format. The mapped risk areas of the municipality are: basic mapping, as well as flooding, snowfall, winds, seismicity, territorial mapping and transcat mapping.

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    The Municipal Urban Planning Plan (POUM) is the municipality's urban planning instrument that directs the development of the Maià de Montcal territory. The cartography of the POUM of Maià de Montcal is made up of twenty-nine cartography files of different scales in PDF format; fourteen referred to the Graphic Planning Documentation and fifteen referred to the basic and complementary Urbanization. The aspects of the municipality defined by the POUM are classified in this planning figure into nine topics: Classification of urban and developable land, Qualification of undeveloped land, Qualification of urban and developable land, Listed assets, Residual and stormwater network, general water supply network, electricity network, telephone network and public lighting network. Likewise, the set of information also contains two written documents in reference to the POUM: Urban Planning Regulations and Catalog of Protected Assets.

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    Pla d'Ordenació Urbanística Municipal (POUM) of La Nou de Berguedà is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographical information of the POUM of La Nou de Berguedà consists of multiple plans, all of them in PDF format, which form two blocks of cartography: information plans and management plans. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the POUM planes are: general and organic structure, land classification, zoning of urban and building land, regulation of the building and regulation of non-urbanizable land.