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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:100 000, coherent with the series of topographic cartography 1:50 000 v5.1, with thematic and detailed information. Download from

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:100 000, coherent with the series of topographic cartography 1:50 000 v5.1, with thematic and detailed information. Download from

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:100 000, coherent with the series of topographic cartography 1:50 000 v5.1, with thematic and detailed information. Download from

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:100 000, coherent with the series of topographic cartography 1:50 000 v5.1, with thematic and detailed information. Download from

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    Pla d'Ordenació Urbanística Municipal (POUM) of Montmeló is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographical information of the POUM of Montmeló consists of multiple plans, all of them in PDF format, which form two blocks of cartography: information plans and management plans. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the POUM planes are: general and organic structure, land classification, zoning of urban and building land, regulation of the building and regulation of non-urbanizable land.

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:100 000, coherent with the series of topographic cartography 1:50 000 v5.1, with thematic and detailed information. Download from

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:100 000, coherent with the series of topographic cartography 1:50 000 v5.1, with thematic and detailed information. Download from

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:100 000, coherent with the series of topographic cartography 1:50 000 v5.1, with thematic and detailed information. Download from

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    The Esponellà Civil Protection Plan aims to be the organic framework that coordinates the actions and response of the Public Services aimed at the attention and response to emergencies within the municipality. The set of geographic information of the Esponellà Civil Protection Plan consists of a PDF document with seven documents: 1. General and Municipal Organization, 2. Risk analysis, 3. Municipal vulnerability, 4. Operational procedures for risk, 5. Action cards, 6. Telephone directory and catalog of means and resources and 7. Specific cartography. This last document contains eight plans at different scales specific for each risk: Map of the municipal area, Plan of vulnerability and protection of the population (and one specific to the urban area), Plan of risk of forest fires (INFOCAT), Plan Flood Risk Plan (INUNCAT), Snowfall Risk Plan (NEUCAT), Seismic Risk Plan (SISMICAT) and Wind Risk Plan (VENTCAT).

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:100 000, coherent with the series of topographic cartography 1:50 000 v5.1, with thematic and detailed information. Download from