From 1 - 10 / 18
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    Situation map of the urban orchards of the municipality.

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    Location of industrial establishments dedicated to agricultural, food, forestry and fishing activities in Catalonia, with their address, contact details, sector to which they belong and activities they carry out, and RIACC and CCAE codes.

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    Límit situat a una distància d’1 milla nàutica mar en dins des del punt més pròxim de la línia base que serveix per mesurar l’amplada de les aigües territorials i que arriba, en el seu cas, dins el límit exterior de les aigües de transició.

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    Localització de la regulació de la pesca marítima recreativa des de costa a les platges en base a les determinacions de normatives d’ordenació dels àmbits portuaris, dels espais naturals protegits i els plans d’usos i serveis de temporada (PUST).

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    SIGPAC is the graphic database of all arable land for the digital identification system for agricultural parcels, referred to in Article 17 of EC Regulation 73/2009 of 19 January.

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    SIGPAC is the graphic database of all arable land for the digital identification system for agricultural parcels, referred to in Article 17 of EC Regulation 73/2009 of 19 January.

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    SIGPAC is the graphic database of all arable land for the digital identification system for agricultural parcels, referred to in Article 17 of EC Regulation 73/2009 of 19 January.

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    SIGPAC is the graphic database of all arable land for the digital identification system for agricultural parcels, referred to in Article 17 of EC Regulation 73/2009 of 19 January.

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    Description of the earth's surface (of Catalonia) by its (bio-)physical characteristics, according to the Geographic Information System for Agricultural Parcels of Catalonia (SIGPAC) classification. This data set is conforming to the technical specifications of INSPIRE Land cover.

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    Delimitation of the enclosures, within the cadastral parcels, that have a certain use according to the SIGPAC (Geographical Information System of Agricultural Parcels of Catalonia), with its individualized reference, geometric attributes (surface, etc.) and other information related to its agricultural use. This dataset also includes various groupings of these enclosures, such as parcels, which are likely to benefit from community aid related to the surface as they are part of the SIGPAC. Although there is an equivalence between the cadastral parcel and the SIGPAC parcel, apart from occasional divergences resulting from the parallel evolution of both databases, the same does not happen at the level of cadastral sub-parcel and the SIGPAC enclosure: unlike the sub-parcel, the enclosure is defined by a continuous portion of land that, within a parcel, has the same use or utilization.