

210 record(s)
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    Plan of Brunyola and Sant Martí Sapresa is a set of geographic data that gives information about the municipality. It contains a description of this, a link to a viewer map to see its location, a table with the distance in kilometers to the nearest population centers and a PDF map of all the farmhouses in the municipality.

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    Cassà de la Selva map is a set of map data that, through an interactive map viewer, allows you to see the municipality of Cassà de la Selva. Through a drop-down, you can see the location of the points of interest (administration, accommodation, facilities, etc.), tourist routes and neighborhoods.

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    The Plan of Vilamacolum is a set of cartographic information which, with a PDF document, shows the plan of the urban area of the municipality, the names and numbering of the streets and their location.

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    Vilobí d'Onyar map is a set of cartographic data referring to the location and territory of the municipality of Vilobí d'Onyar. This consists of eight maps, all of them in PDF format: Vilobí map, Salitja map, Sant Dalmai map, Can Tarré map, Can Bells map, Airport urbanization, municipal area and complete map. Additionally, the dataset offers the link to an interactive viewer.

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    Palau-saverdera tourist map is a set of cartographic data that gives information regarding tourism in the municipality. It contains a map of the urban area with the name of the streets and with all the points of interest signposted. The points are divided into four blocks: various services, where to buy, where to eat and where to sleep. Likewise, through the portal you can access other tourist and leisure resources such as Roads and Routes, Where to buy and What to do.

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    Plano de Olot is a dataset that is presented as an interactive viewer of the municipality, with topographic, cartographic or satellite image base. It is a GIS, and as such, it presents several tools for obtaining data, such as measuring distances and areas (polygons and lines), obtaining information on each point, graphic information on various information (hydrants, altimetry, culture, health, recreation, salt containers), administrative divisions (municipal boundaries, census divisions and others), domiciles and toponymy (and points of interest), education (educational centers), sports and leisure (on foot, by bicycle, bicycle parking, sports courts and areas of games and health), mobility and circulation (sustainable mobility, reduced mobility, public transport and circulation), transparency (municipal goods) and urban planning (catalogs and Municipal Urban Planning Plan 2003). There is also the option to edit your own map based on the parameters that interest you and be able to print or download it.

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    The Plan of Pals is a set of cartographic data that shows the location of Pals on an interactive map viewer. It also contains three downloadable PDF maps of Pals: map of Pals nucleus, map of Pals beaches and map of Pals farmhouses.

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    Map of Sant Pau de Segúries is a set of cartographic information regarding the location of the facilities of the municipality of Sant Pau de Segúries. The spatial representation of these data is carried out by means of an interactive map viewer, which shows the names of the main roads in the urban nucleus and which locates the services and equipment through points. Likewise, it also contains diverse information about the municipality such as a technical file and information with historical and cultural content.

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    Breda map is a set of cartographic data presented in a PDF file. It is a cartography of the urban core of Breda, with a grid as a base to make the search for specific points more enjoyable. The streets and squares are represented, as well as the parking lots and access roads to the town. There is also a legend with equipment and points of interest, such as the town hall or the police; some basic data such as population, population density, height and extension of the municipality and dates of interest such as market day.

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    The Navata Map is a set of data referring to the location of the municipality's technical services. The cartographic data is represented in a viewer, on a cartographic fund from OpenStreetMap and a topographic and orthophotographic fund from the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC). The points, lines and polygons identified in this data set correspond to: cadastral values, supply networks, sanitation, lighting, green areas, inventory of roads and BTT routes, among others.