XP08000_111 - Limits of the special urban plans for the protection of the spaces of the Network of Natural Parks of the Barcelona Provincial Council
Transcription of the limits of the protected areas of the Natural Parks Network of the Diputació de Barcelona described in the special urban development plans approved for each area. In case of doubt, the original information (maps and literal description) that accompanies the special urban plans prevails. Note: The boundary of the Serralada Litoral Park coincides with the delimitation of the EIN Conreria-Sant Mateu-Céllecs except for the municipalities of Tiana and Badalona. These have been included in the Serralada de Marina Special Urban Plan. The database associated with the boundaries contains information on the administrative code of the area (ID_DIBA), its code according to EUROPARC guidelines (ID_EURO), the official name (NOM_OFIC), the type of protection norm (NORM_PROT), the date of approval of the park declaration norm (PUBL_NORM) and that of the current norm (PUBL_NORM2).
- Date (Revision)
- 2019-09-20
- Identifier
- IDEC / limits-proteccio-espais-xarxa-parcs-naturals-diputacio-barcelona
- Identifier
- DIBA / SPADBXP08000E5M111
- Purpose
- Make this set of geographic information available to society.
Point of contact
Barcelona Provincial Council - Technical Office for Planning and Territorial Analysis
- Tesaurus de la DIBA theme
- environtment, nature, Provincial Council, Barcelona
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No limitations
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- https://www.diba.cat/en/web/idebarcelona/condicions-us
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 1000
- Metadata language
- Catalan; Valencian
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Environment
- Description
- Province of Barcelona
- Unique resource identifier
- http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/25831 (EPSG:25831)
- Distribution format
Geobase de datos de ArcGIS
Shape de ArcGis
v. 10.0
Geobase de datos de ArcGIS
Barcelona Provincial Council - Technical Office for Planning and Territorial Analysis
- OnLine resource
- Capabilities of the WMS service
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
- Compliance with INSPIRE requirements (data)
- Evaluation method description
- The data of this dataset do not aim to achieve compliance with INSPIRE regulations. For this reason, its conformity is not evaluated and it is declared not conformant compliant by default.
Conformance result
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
- Compliance with INSPIRE requirements (metadata)
- Evaluation method description
- The compliance of the metadata is evaluated using the "INSPIRE Reference Validator" web tool. The metadata is considered correct when the only errors reported are related with the main language of the metadata file. These errors are due to the fact that Catalan is not included in the list of official languages of the European Union.
Conformance result
- Statement
- . Conversion from Microstation (.dgn) format to ArcInfo coverage of the perimeters of each park except the Serralada Litoral. The limit of the Serralada Litoral Park coincides with the delimitation of the EIN Conreria-Sant Mateu-Céllecs except for the municipalities of Tiana and Badalona. These have been included in the Special Urban Development Plan of the Serra de Marina . Union of all the parks in a single coverage . The information includes the following modifications, in chronological order: * Boundary of Parc del Montseny, approved by the Conseller de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques de la Generalitat de Catalunya on December 11, 2008.* Specific modification of the Special Plan for the Improvement and Protection of the Natural Area Guilleries-Savassona (published in the DOGC 5487 of 20/10/2009). * Boundary of the Natural Park of Serralada de Collserola approved by the Government on 19/10/2010.* Specific modification of the Special Plan for the Improvement and Protection of the Natural Area Guilleries-Savassona (published in the DOGC 5487 of 20/10/2009). * Boundary of the Natural Park of Serralada de Collserola approved by the Government on 19/10/2010. Boundary adopted directly from the DMAH (17/11/2010). * Update of the Foix Park boundary (approved on 26/01/2012). * Modificació Puntual del Pla General Metropolità en l'àmbit del Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat i Revisió del Pla especial de Protecció i millora del Parc agrari del Baix Llobregat (aprovació definitiva publicada al DOGC núm. 6959 de 18/09/2015). * Reestablishment of the boundary of the Parc del Montseny, promoted by the Diputació de Barcelona and approved by the Comissió Provincial d'Urbanisme de Barcelona of 26 July 1977 (published at BOP number 222 of 16 September 1977) and promoted by the Diputació de Girona and approved by the Orden del Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo of 26 January 1978 (published at BOP number 62 of 16 April 1978), in compliance with the sentence of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia published in the DOGC no. 7328 of 14/03/2017). 7328 of 14/03/2017). *Updating of the boundary of the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat incorporating the modifications approved by the Pla Director Urbanístic del Delta del Llobregat, finally approved on January 12, 2016 and published in the DOGC no. 7060 of February 17, 2016. * Update of the boundary of the Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola incorporating the modifications approved in the "ACORD GOV/116/2019, d'1 d'agost, pel qual es dona compliment a les sentències dictades en els recursos contenciosos administratius números 503/2010 i 505/2010, interposed against the Decree 146/2010, of October 19, of declaration of the Natural Park of the Serra de Collserola and of the partial natural reserves of the Font Groga and the Rierada-Can Balasc".
- Description
- Special plans for the protection of the physical environment and the landscape of each park.
- File identifier
- limits-proteccio-espais-xarxa-parcs-naturals-diputacio-barcelona XML
- Metadata language
- Catalan; Valencian
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2024-01-31
- Metadata standard name
- IDEC profile of metadata of spatial datasets
- Metadata standard version
- Version 5.0

Spatial extent
Provided by

Associated resources
Not available