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    WMS view service of the orthometric altitudes of the coastal strip of Catalonia. Includes isobaths and terrain elevation model, mainly of the submerged part.

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    Toponyms (place names) present in the cartography of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, such as the names of municipalities and heads of municipalities, population centres and isolated buildings, facilities and equipment, relief elements (oronyms), hydrographic network and point hydrography (hydronyms), protected areas and other unique elements of the territory; with the coordinates of the point where they are located.

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    Geographical base that describes the subdivision of the municipalities of Catalonia into districts and census sections.

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    Line that identifies the limit between the sea water and the emerged surface of the Catalan coast, classified according to the characteristics of the terrain found in each place.

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    Orthophoto (mosaic of rectified aerial images) of the coastal strip (total or partial), with a resolution generally between 10 and 15 cm above the ground, generated from photogrammetric flights.

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    WMS service for visualization of the topographic map 1:250 000.

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    Geographical base at 1:5,000 scale which shows, for each of the municipal boundary lines, the status of the process of elaboration, approval and completion of each line of the municipal boundary for the execution of the Municipal Map of Catalonia (Decree 244/2007, of 6 November). The Municipal Map (MM) is the set of lines that make up the municipal boundary, regardless of the number of sections. The current municipal boundaries come from the replan made from the delimitation document of the early twentieth century, when they were first set. The project of the MM that are carrying out the Directorate General of Local Administration (DGAL) and the Cartographic and Geologic Institute of Catalonia (ICGC), facilitates to the city councils the procedure to modify the line of boundary and adapt it, if necessary, to the current reality of the territory, generating a new municipal line that once approved by the Plenary Sessions of the city councils and published in the DOGC remains as a line of current delimitation. The municipal delimitation is dynamic due to its link with the territorial changes, but today it is more so because it is subject to the evolution of the elaboration of the MM. The base is updated periodically based on the sessions of the Territorial Delimitation Commission, which take place three times a year.

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    Orthophoto (mosaic of rectified aerial images) of the coastal strip (total or partial), with a resolution generally between 10 and 15 cm above the ground, generated from photogrammetric flights.

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    Layer that contains the data of the country houses of Olot. Each country house has its own file (in PDF format). In each file you can see the location, cartography and description of the farmhouse, as well as other notable information such as the degree and reason for preservation, internal regulations or the services available.

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    WMS service for visualization of cartography of soils and additional information.