Natural risk zones
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Service types
The information set of surfaces affected by wildfires contains the delimitation of areas affected by forest fires, considered with strong environmental impact, described by its representation in two dimensions in scale 1:50,000 and attributes that describe its semantic.
WMS service for visualization of the basic infrastructures that are critical in case of snowfall.
WMS service for visualization of radioactive facilities and the theoretical affected areas in the event of a serious accident at a facility in the metal recovery sector adhering to the radiological surveillance protocol.
WMS service for visualization of transport flows of dangerous goods by road and rail.
The information set of surfaces affected by wildfires contains the delimitation of areas affected by forest fires, considered with strong environmental impact, described by its representation in two dimensions in scale 1:50,000 and attributes that describe its semantic.
WMS service for visualization of thematic coverages of the municipalities of Catalonia where the obligation or recommendation of the municipalities for the preparation of Municipal Action Plans (PAM) for the different types of risk that affect them are represented, as well as the state validity of the plans.
The information set of surfaces affected by wildfires contains the delimitation of areas affected by forest fires, considered with strong environmental impact, described by its representation in two dimensions in scale 1:50,000 and attributes that describe its semantic.
The information set of surfaces affected by wildfires contains the delimitation of areas affected by forest fires, considered with strong environmental impact, described by its representation in two dimensions in scale 1:50,000 and attributes that describe its semantic.
The information set of surfaces affected by wildfires contains the delimitation of areas affected by forest fires, considered with strong environmental impact, described by its representation in two dimensions in scale 1:50,000 and attributes that describe its semantic.
The information set of surfaces affected by wildfires contains the delimitation of areas affected by forest fires, considered with strong environmental impact, described by its representation in two dimensions in scale 1:50,000 and attributes that describe its semantic.