
Human health and safety

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    Argelaguer Acoustic Capacity Map is a set of data with cartographic plans that contains a Memory (Objectives, Regulations, Methodology, Acoustic Zoning of the territory, Map Specification, Zoning of disseminated population centers and isolated activities, Approval and public information of the map , Map review), two annexes and two planes of the acoustic capacity, one of Argelaguer (scale 1: 5000) and one of the Camí de Calç and the Barri del Pont (scale 1: 7500). The areas studied are classified as: High acoustic sensitivity zone (a), Moderate acoustic sensitivity zone (b), Low acoustic sensitivity zone (c) and Special regime acoustic zone (ZARE).

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    Itineraries and routes of Sant Pau de Segúries is a set of geographic information regarding the signposted routes of the municipality. This dataset contains various routes designed to promote the heritage of Sant Pau de Segúries. The routes contain a link to a hiking portal, where the outline of each route appears indicated on a cartographic basis, as well as the signaling of the stages and stops along the route.

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    Map of the perimeter of the urban islands according to the immission limit value in dB (A) of the municipality. Zoning: - High acoustic sensitivity zone (A) - Moderate acoustic sensitivity zone (B) - Low acoustic sensitivity zone (C)

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    Situation map of defibrillators in the municipality.

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    This dataset contains a map of the acoustic capacity of Reus, as well as an explanation of what it means and the PDF memory of the map. The Strategic Noise Map with similar contents can also be found.

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    The loud map of Mataró is a set of cartographic information formed by an interactive viewer, which establishes the acoustic zoning of the municipality and, therefore, indicates the acoustic quality of the surroundings. We can consult a layer with the results captured during the daytime hours and another one formed by the data captured at nighttime hours. The results of the studied areas are classified into eight classes with an amplitude of 5 dBa each, starting with "less 45 dBA" and being the highest, the "more than 75 dBa".

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    Thematic coverage of the municipalities of Catalonia in which the obligation or recommendation of the municipality to draw up the Municipal Action Plan (PAM) for emergency risk due to pandemic is represented, as well as the plan's current status.

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    Hiking in Lloret de Mar is a set of geographic data referring to the marked routes of the municipality. This dataset contains seven routes designed to promote the heritage of Lloret de Mar. Each route includes a downloadable brochure in PDF format, showing a map with the indicated route, as well as a brief explanation of the route's content and stopping points signposted.

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    Itineraries and routes of la Selva de Mar is a set of geographic information referring to the marked routes of the municipality. This dataset contains the Cabo de Creus route that passes through Selva de Mar and is intended to promote its heritage. The route contains a diagram of the route, as well as a downloadable PDF brochure with more extensive information with a map indicating the route and a description of the points within that can be found at each stage.

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    The Campllong acoustic capacity map is a set of cartographic information that aims to prevent, prevent or reduce the acoustic contamination to which the population is exposed and the preservation and / or improvement of the acoustic quality of the territory. The data set is made up of nine maps in PDF format, which represent, by means of vector data, the immission levels set as quality objectives in each determined territory. The cartography classifies the Campllong territories as: Zone of high acoustic sensitivity (A), Zone of moderate acoustic sensitivity (B), Zone of low acoustic sensitivity (C); categories that are broken down into subcategories referenced with an alphanumeric code.