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    Hiking catalog of Puigcerdà is a dataset that contains a series of downloadable files in PDF format about tourism, hiking and culture of Puigerdà: informative maps of services, librettos and triptychs, maps of routes, guides of excursions and walks, librettos of art and heritage.

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    Tourism in Santa Coloma de Farners is a dataset that contains information about several walking routes through the municipality. It indicates the location of the departure point, distance, slope, duration time and different alternatives for each route. Specifically, there is an interactive map marking the Route of the 10 Hermitages, with the path and location of the 10 signposted hermitages. In addition, it also contains a map with several points of interest of a playful and cultural nature.

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    Anglès Tourism is a dataset referring to the tourism of the municipality divided into three themes: General information - Instamaps map with the location of the car parks and the old Burés Factory. Nature and hiking - contains a series of routes that can be done in the municipality and a link to an interactive map viewer to see the route. Tourist map - interactive viewer that contains the points of tourist interest of the municipality (architectural and industrial heritage, culture, sports, nature, where to eat and sleep, etc)

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    Roses sight is a set of geographic data with the objective of promoting the heritage of the municipality. Each cultural asset contains an informative explanation of a historical nature, as well as a viewer map with its location and a space for reservations and guided tours, if appropriate.

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    Palau-saverdera tourist map is a set of cartographic data that gives information regarding tourism in the municipality. It contains a map of the urban area with the name of the streets and with all the points of interest signposted. The points are divided into four blocks: various services, where to buy, where to eat and where to sleep. Likewise, through the portal you can access other tourist and leisure resources such as Roads and Routes, Where to buy and What to do.

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    Tourist portal of Balaguer is a data set that contains diverse information about tourism in the city. We can find a short introductory video, a map (with a link to Google Maps) that shows its geographical location, the schedules (both summer and winter) of the cultural facilities of the city and a bit of historical explanation. There is a section "What to do?" which links to the activities list and a map that locates the points of interest of the city and an explanation of each of them. There is also a section "Tourist routes", where each route leads to an interactive map viewer with the entire route and points of interest during the journey marked. Finally, there is a section of accommodation and restaurants, with information on tourist accommodation and a map with all the restaurants located.

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    Architectural heritage of Ribes de Freser is a set of geographic information with the aim of promoting the heritage of Ribes de Freser. It gives information about important heritage buildings such as churches, hermitages, castles or modernist houses. Also, some buildings contain a downloadable PDF brochure that contains more extensive information and detailed images.

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    Itineraries and routes of Vilobí d'Onyar is a set of geographic information regarding the signposted routes of the municipality. This dataset contains nine sportive routes designed to promote the heritage of Vilobí d'Onyar. Each route attaches a mapping file, represented in a PDF file, showing the layout of each itinerary; along with the points of interest. Finally, information is provided regarding the difficulty, duration and distance to travel the itinerary.

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    Routes of Avià is a set of geographic information referring to the different routes of the municipality. This dataset contains tourist, sporting or cultural routes aimed at promoting Avià's heritage. Each route attaches a mapping file of the route, along with a description and information of each route.

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    Tourism of Portbou is a set of data with the aim of informing about the touristical options that the municipality has. It contains seven files, all of them in PDF format; which are brochures with various tourist information in reference to itineraries and routes that can be made to visit the territory, explanations of a historical nature about Portbou and a map of the municipality with a street map, points of interest and images of the territorial context with the location of Portbou .