

70 record(s)
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    Itineraries of Canovelles is a set of geographic information referred to the signalized routes of the municipality. This data set contains three cultural routes designed to promote the heritage of Canovelles. Each route attaches a mapping file that represents the route, along with a description and information on each route. Finally, there is a link to the Game of routes and the video of the route.

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    Berga Active Tourism is a set of cartographic information represented in a viewer with a base map of Google Maps. The following tables contain viewers for each route: Hiking, MTB Routes and Car Routes. Each route contains a vector information viewer showing the track as a line and the places of interest as a point, which are displayed showing complementary information. In addition, each route contains an elevation profile, route information and a description of it. It offers the possibility to download the cartographic information on each route.

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    Routes of Avià is a set of geographic information referring to the different routes of the municipality. This dataset contains tourist, sporting or cultural routes aimed at promoting Avià's heritage. Each route attaches a mapping file of the route, along with a description and information of each route.

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    Tourist itineraries of Sant Cugat del Vallès is a set of geographical information referring to the tourist routes of the municipality. This data set contains seven routes to promote heritage and exercise in Sant Cugat del Vallès represented in a map viewer. The tourist points of interest in the municipality are represented by an interactive point that identifies the heritage element. Finally, other relevant places of interest are also offered.

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    Routes of El Vilosell is a set of geographical information referring to the tourist and sports routes of the municipality. This data set contains the routes intended to promote the healthy exercise and heritage of El Vilosell. Attached is a cartographic viewer which shows the route of each itinerary; along with a description of the route. Finally, information is provided on the route, the difficulty and the different ways of traveling the itineraries.

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    Routes of El Pla del Penedès is a set of geographical information referring to the tourist routes of the municipality. This data set contains routes to promote heritage and exercise in El Pla del Penedès. Each route is accompanied by a cartography viewer, where the tourist points of interest of each itinerary are represented; along with a description of the route. Finally, information is provided on the route, the difficulty and the different modalities of the route.

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    Routes of Ciutadilla is a set of geographical information referring to the tourist and sports routes of the municipality. This data set contains the routes intended to promote the healthy exercise and heritage of Ciutadilla. Attached is a cartography file which shows the route of each itinerary; along with a description of the route. Finally, information is provided on the route, the difficulty and the different ways of traveling the itineraries.

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    The Urban Master Plan (PDU) of the Barcelona Blue Routes is the figure of urban planning of supramunicipal scope that aims to create the appropriate urban and territorial framework that allows to deploy the potential of the territory of the Llobregat, Anoia and Cardener rivers, with the opening of an itinerary that resembles and that crosses the territorial area that perceives these rivers, promoting its tourist dynamization and, at the same time, establishing the conditions that must frame its development with the maximum integration and coherence with the historical, environmental, cultural, and landscape values of the territory.

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    Routes of Juneda is a set of geographical information referring to the tourist and sports routes of the municipality. This data set contains the routes intended to promote the healthy exercise and heritage of Juneda. Attached is a cartographic viewer which shows the route of each itinerary; along with a description of the route. Finally, information is provided on the route, the difficulty and the different ways of traveling the itineraries.

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    Routes and itineraries of Rajadell is a set of geographical information referring to the tourist and sports routes of the municipality. This data set contains the routes intended to promote the healthy exercise and heritage of Rajadell. Attached is a cartography file, represented in a JPG file, which shows the route of each itinerary; along with a description of the route and points of interest. Finally, information is provided on the route, the difficulty and the different ways of traveling the itineraries.