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    Thematic coverage of the municipalities of Catalonia in which the municipality's obligation or recommendation to draw up the Municipal Action Plan (PAM) for the risk of an aeronautical emergency is represented, as well as the plan's current status.

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    Geographic situation of Montblanc is a dataset that contains information about the distances in kilometers from Montblanc to Barcelona, Tarragona and Lleida, as well as all the fast roads by which you can go. It also contains a Montblanc location map with a link to Google Maps.

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    Mobility by taxi in Tarragona is a dataset where you can see a grill with the taxi companies in the city and their contact. We can also see a map with the location and address of all the taxi stops in the city and a link to see all taxis adapted to people with reduced mobility.

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    Mobility in public transport in Tarragona is a dataset dedicated to giving information regarding public transport in the municipality, mainly the bus. Also links to Twitter pages or websites of state or international transport companies can be found. There are also other links that go to informative websites about transport prices and the frequency of intercity buses as well as a map with the location and contact of the Tarragona Bus Station.

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    The Quart map is a set of cartographic data that shows, in PDF format, a map of the urban centers of the Quart municipality: Quart, la Creueta and Palol d'Onyar. The three maps contain information on the main transport and road networks in the towns, as well as a list of the points of interest.

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    Mobility of Puigcerdà is a dataset where you can find a first page with a brief description of the municipality and neighborhoods. It also contains an interactive map with public car parks, train stations, funicular stops and the urban transport schedule as well as all the stops you make in Puigcerdà. There is also information on the two Taxi stops available to the municipality and the contact telephone number. All information can be printed.

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    Map of paths defined in the Special Plan of the Natural Heritage of the municipality.

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    The Vilobí d'Onyar Road Inventory is the cartographic data set that identifies and describes all the road routes of the road network in the municipal territory of Vilobí d'Onyar. It contains a topographic-based PDF map from the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC) at a scale of 1: 25,000 and classifies the roads into municipal roads and private roads with established rights.

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    Amposta Mobility is a data set that includes three maps referring to mobility in the municipality: - Urban plan showing the traffic senses. - Urban plan showing the road hierarchy. - Urban map showing the coexistence spaces with priority of pedestrians and cyclists (green network).

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    Map of the streets with blue zone of the municipality of Granollers.