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    The Municipal Urban Planning Plan (POUM) is the urban planning instrument of the municipality that directs and defines the development of the territory of the municipality of Castellar del Vallès. The POUM cartography has a geoportal of visualization and consultation, where the cartographic archives of the plan are classified into nine themes: Soil Classification, Development Sectors, Soil Qualification, Building Conditions, Dimensions, System Protection, Cataloged Elements, Land Registry and Records.

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    Local government area of Castellar del Vallès is a set of cartographic information that represents the complete delimitation of the municipality. Formed by a topographic map, the data represented in 2D of scale 1:15000 locate the different settlements of Castellar del Vallès, with other information of interest, such as roads, rivers, and important places of the municipality.

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    Social and solidarity economy of Castellar del Vallès is a set of cartographic archives that represent spatial information related to the solidarity activities of the city through a geoportal that uses Google Maps and ICGC maps as base maps. A point represents every social and solidarity economic activities of the municipality, and they are classified into the following groups: Associations, Special Work Center, Responsible and Proximity Consumption, Cooperatives, Foundations, Societies and Circular Economy. For each case, the point interactively displays complementary information.

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    Street directory of Castellar del Vallès is a set of cartographic archives that represent spatial information related to the location of streets, administrative divisions and places of interest, through a geoportal that uses Google Maps and ICGC maps as base maps. A point represents every location and they are classified into the following groups: Administration, Culture and leisure, Education, Sports facilities, Health, Basic services, Transportation, Places of interest and Blue areas. For each case, the point interactively displays complementary information.

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    Waste Management of Castellar del Vallès is a set of cartographic files that represent spatial information related to the routes and cleaning areas of the city through a geoportal that uses Google Maps and ICGC maps as base maps. In it, we find these cartographic files: Civic amenity sites, Containers, Collection routes, Cleaning routes, Container areas and Cleaning areas.

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    Transport and mobility in Castellar del Vallès is a set of cartographic files that represent spatial information related to the movement and traffic of people and vehicles through a geoportal that uses Google Maps and ICGC maps as base maps. In it, we find these cartographic files: Bus lines, Blue Zones and Transport; and Transportation is divided into: Bus, Taxis, Parking, Gas Stations, Blue Zones, Transportation on Demand, Disabled Parkings and Loading and Unloading

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    Business activities of Castellar del Vallès is a set of cartographic files that represent spatial information related to the companies, industries and establishments of the city through a geoportal that uses Google Maps and ICGC maps as base maps. We find the different economic activities of the municipality located with points. For each point, the information corresponding to the economic activity is displayed interactively.

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    El Mapa municipal és el document resultant de la delimitació completa d'un municipi, tal i com estableix el Decret 209/2015 i el Decret 244/2007. El Mapa municipal de Catalunya és una base de dades 2D d'escala 1:5000 dels traçats de les línies i fites corresponents als límits municipals oficials del territori de Catalunya.

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    Topographic cartography covering part of the territory of the Catalonia, compiled in 3 dimensions. It includes information related to the following layers of information: relief, hydrography, roads and other transport networks; buildings, constructions and facilities; land covers, toponymy and municipal inventories. Scale of reference: 1:1,000.

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    The noise map of Castellar del Vallès is a set of information formed by three maps that establish the acoustic zoning of the municipality and indicates the acoustic quality of the territory. The information is represented on 1:5000 ICGC's Orthophoto as base map. The areas studied are classified as: High acoustic sensitivity zone (a), Moderate acoustic sensitivity zone (b), Low acoustic sensitivity zone (c) and in Special regime acoustic zone (ZARE). The data represented were collected by the City Council in 2011.