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Routes of Estamariu is a set of geographical information referring to the tourist and sports routes of the municipality. This data set contains the routes intended to promote the healthy exercise and heritage of Estamariu. Attached is a cartography file which shows the route of each itinerary; along with a description of the route. Finally, information is provided on the route, the difficulty and the different ways of traveling the itineraries.
La Base de dades municipal d'adreces de Catalunya contiene, para cada municipio, el conjunto de direcciones de lugares en los que pueden vivir personas o se pueden desarrollar actividades, descritas mediante un par de coordenadas representativas del lugar, en dos dimensiones (2D), y unos atributos que especifican la localización y la ruta de acceso. El presente conjunto de datos corresponde al municipio de Estamariu.
Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Download from
Representation of Catalonia by means of a continuous topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000, with administrative and tourist information, and published as a series of 41 county maps, as well printed on paper as digital raster image.
Cartografía topográfica que recubre parte de Cataluña (áreas urbanas, trazas de carreteras, ríos, línea de costa, etc), compilada en 3 dimensiones. La superficie del proyecto es 10.00 ha. La escala de referencia es 1:1 000.
Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Consultable on-line, in a cartographic continuum, by means of a geoservice and the viewer of http://www.