
Cadastral parcels

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    The Plan of Vilamacolum is a set of cartographic information which, with a PDF document, shows the plan of the urban area of the municipality, the names and numbering of the streets and their location.

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    Location map of the municipal heritage plots of the municipality.

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    Cadastral mapping of Amposta is a set of data that, through an interactive map viewer of Instamaps, shows the cadastre of Amposta with a wide range of options to choose a base (background) for the map, as well as the option to visualize cadastre, cadastral map or municipal boundaries. It contains a search engine to find specific plots according to location or cadastral reference. You also have the option to create your own map based on specific interests.

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    Urban planning of Cervera is a downloadable data package framed within the General Urban Planning Plan (PGOU) of Cervera. Within this, you can find the urban map of Catalonia (interactive data viewer and downloader), the Urban Planning Registry of Catalonia (PTOP) and, finally, the POUM. POUM of Cervera is articulated in an index, summary report of the modifications and 6 documents: 0. Understanding of the POUM, 01. Informative report (in 2 volumes), 02. Social report, 03. Urban norms of general application, 04. Agenda and economic and financial evaluation, 05. Catalog farmhouses, rural houses and other constructions and in SNU, and 06. Catalog and heritage regulations. All the mentioned documents are downloadable in PDF.

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    Urban planning and subsidiary regulation of Fontanilles is a set of geographic and cartographic data that aims to openly inform about the urban planning and regulation of the municipality. The points it deals with are represented by five plans and two text documents, all of them downloadable in PDF format, and they are: Soil classification, Land management, Memory and Urban Planning Regulations. Likewise, the various modifications of the Subsidiary Norms that have been contemplated over time are also included.

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    Colomers Urban planning is a data set that contains the Colomers Planning Subsidiary Standards and is made up of two mapping files in reference to land classification and management. The urban planning norms are instruments of the general urban planning that supplement or complement the Municipal Urban Planning Plans (POUM).

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    The Camprodon General Urban Plan is the basic urban planning instrument for the comprehensive planning of the territory. It is made up of several sheets of cartography of the urban nucleus of Camprodon, classifying the Zones of urban land and Zones of developable land.

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    Urban planning and subsidiary regulations of Foixá is a set of geographic and cartographic data that aims to openly report on the urban planning and regulations of the municipality. The points it deals with are represented by three plans and a text document, all of them downloadable in PDF format, and they are: Classification of the land, Urban planning of the Foixà and Urban planning of the Hall. Likewise, the various modifications of the Subsidiary Norms that have been contemplated over time are also included.

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    The Municipal Urban Development Plan (POUM) is the cartographic instrument of urban planning for the municipality that directs the development of the territory of Calonge and Sant Antoni. The geographical information set of the POUM of Calonge and Sant Antoni consists of several mapping files of different scales in PDF format. The municipal planning areas defined by these mapping files are as follows: Catalog of protected goods, Classification of soil and Qualification of soil.

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    Catalog of farmhouses in Canet d'Adri is a set of data that shows all the farmhouses in the municipality, classifying them into 4 types: Farmhouses and Rural Houses classified as Cultural Property of National / Local Interest; other buildings that have architectural, environmental, landscape or social values, and that must be preserved and recovered, despite not being considered a Cultural Property; remains of buildings that, due to time constraints, neglect and neglect have made unrecoverable; and recently built buildings that have been built on undeveloped land. It also contains a memory (downloadable in PDF format) with a file for each of the farmhouses.