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    Itineraries of Roses is a set of geographic information referring to the marked routes of the municipality. This dataset contains various sports routes, both for walking and running, aimed at promoting healthy exercise and the heritage of Roses. Each route attaches a PDF file, which shows a description of the route and an interactive map viewer to indicate the route layout. Finally, information is offered regarding the difficulty and the different modalities of traveling the itinerary.

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    Parking areas in les Preses is a set of cartographic data that shows an interactive map viewer with the name and location point of the five parking areas available in the municipality of Les Preses.

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    Map of Castellví de la Marca is a set of data regarding the location of services and facilities in the municipality. Map data is represented in a viewer, on an OpenStreetMap map background. The points identified in this data set correspond to: urban facilities, companies and shops, entities and associations, hotels and restoration, emergencies, municipal offices and places of interest. For each point, the name of the place or establishment, the postal address and an external link are displayed interactively. Finally, the data set also provides the link to the SITMUN web portal.

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    Routes of Capolat is a set of geographic information referring to the signalized itineraries of the municipality. This data set contains two routes intended to promote the municipality of Capolat. A brief description of each route is provided, along with a link to view the route of each itinerary, represented in a map viewer.

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    Subsidiary Planning Regulation (NNSS) of les Planes d'Hostoles is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographic information of the NNSS of les Plans d'Hostoles is made up of two cartography blocks: Information plans and Planning plans; all of them in PDF format. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the NNSS plans are: general structure of the territory, delimitation of the land, zoning and uses in the municipal term, alignments and existing services.

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    Subsidiary PlanningRegulations (NNSS) of la Pera is the municipality's urban planning cartographic instrument that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographic information of the La Pera NNSS is made up of two cartography blocks: General structure plans and Planning plans (plan advance); all of them in PDF format. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the NNSS plans are: territorial framing, orthophotomap, topography and morphology, only urban and developable, infraetsructures, undeveloped land and growth proposals. Likewise, the files can also be accessed from the Registry of Urban Planning of Catalonia (RPUC).

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    Itineraries and routes of Cabra del Camp is a set of geographic information referring to the marked routes of the municipality. This dataset contains various sports routes designed to promote healthy exercise and the heritage of Cabra del Camp. The information is presented in a downloadable file in PDF format and contains an explanation and images of each route, as well as the names of the various signs and plans with the outline of the indicated route.

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    The Molló Farmhouse Catalog is the cartographic instrument that identifies the farmhouses and rural houses of the municipal territory, according to the Special Plan of the catalog of farmhouses and rural houses on undeveloped land (SNU). This data set includes, in PDF format, the cartography showing the location of all homes that meet the requirements of the Special Plan. The document includes the development of the Special Plan and the files of all the farmhouses that the Plan meets.

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    Itineraries and routes of les Planes d'Hostoles is a set of geographic data that shows the six routes that can be carried out in the municipality. Each of the routes contains a file with general basic information such as distance, duration, accumulated height difference or difficulty of the itinerary, as well as an explanatory text of the route. In addition, it also contains a downloadable information brochure in PDF and GPX and a link to a specific website for each route, with more information and a topographic profile.

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    Cabanelles farmhouse catalog is a cartographic data set that contains a list of all the farmhouses within the municipality of Cabanelles, as well as a map showing their location. The list and location of farmhouses in neighboring municipalities also appear.