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    Street directory of Matadepera is a set of cartographic information represented in an interactive viewer. The map shows the location of the addresses of the different roads and streets of the municipality. In addition, the viewer has a search engine to accelerate the identification of places and addresses of the municipality.

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    Urban planning of Matadepera is a set of cartographic data that contains archives on different urban planning instruments of the municipality. The cartography is offered by means of an interactive viewfinder, where the archives of the Pla d'Ordenació Urbanística Municipal (POUM) of Matadepera and the cadastral parcel are represented. It also offers reference cartography, such as the administrative boundaries, the elements of the Catalog of protected assets or the buildings of the Inventory of farmhouses and rural houses. Finally, a search engine allows you to search for streets, portal numbers and cadastral references.

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    Pla d'Ordenació Urbanística Municipal (POUM) of Matadepera is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographical information of the POUM of Matadepera consists of multiple plans, all of them in PDF format, which form two blocks of cartography: information plans and management plans. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the POUM planes are: general and organic structure, land classification, zoning of urban and building land land, regulation of the building and regulation of non-urbanizable land.

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    El Mapa municipal és el document resultant de la delimitació completa d'un municipi, tal i com estableix el Decret 209/2015 i el Decret 244/2007. El Mapa municipal de Catalunya és una base de dades 2D d'escala 1:5000 dels traçats de les línies i fites corresponents als límits municipals oficials del territori de Catalunya.

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Download from

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of a continuous topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000, with administrative and tourist information, and published as a series of 41 county maps, as well printed on paper as digital raster image.

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Consultable on-line, in a cartographic continuum, by means of a geoservice and the viewer of http://www.