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    The Noise map of Manresa is a set of information formed by a cartographic map that establishes the acoustic zoning of the municipality and, therefore, indicates the acoustic quality of the territory. The information is represented by vector data that classify the results of the areas studied in: A2 - Teaching centers, hospitals, nursing homes, day centers, spas, libraries, auditoriums or other similar uses that require special acoustic protection, A4 - Areas with predominance of land for residential use, B1 - Areas where land for residential use coexists with existing activities and / or transport infrastructure, B2 - Areas with predominance of land for tertiary use, B3 - Existing urbanized areas affected by industrial land, C1 - Areas with predominance of land for tertiary, recreational and entertainment use, C2 - Areas with predominance of land for industrial use, C3 - Areas of the territory affected by general transport infrastructure systems or other equipment, not zoned, and finally, areas of noise.

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    The Municipal Urban Planning Plan (POUM) is the urban planning instrument of the municipality that directs the development of the territory of Manresa. The cartography of the POUM of Manresa is made up of thirteen cartography files of different scales in PDF format. The aspects of the municipality defined by the POUM are classified in this Plan into four blocks: O1. Land classification and general structure (Land classification, Sectors of derived planning, General structure of the territory, General systems, Mobility network, Free spaces , Equipments and Green Ring), O2. Undeveloped land management, O3. Urban and developable land management, O4. General services networks (Sanitation, Water Supply, Electrical).

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    Guide of the city of Manresa is a set of cartographic information regarding the location of the streets and the location of the services and facilities in the municipality of Manresa. The spatial representation of these data is carried out by means of a map, in PDF format, that shows the nomenclature and the drawn up one of the roads of the municipality; and that locates the equipment, the services and the points of interest of Manresa by means of points with diverse symbolism. The data set also allows to locate the bike lanes, public parks and industrial areas of the municipality.

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    Districts of Manresa according to neighborhood associations is a set of cartographic information in PDF format, referring to the administrative delimitation of the districts according to the neighborhood associations within the municipality of Manresa. The archives also include the names of each of the districts and represent the city's main roads.