Technological risk
Type of resources
Available actions
Provided by
Representation types
It represents the aproximate route of the ethylene pipelines.
Identification of the municipalities through which the gas pipeline passes in the operational phase.
Location of the facilities that appear in the Plaseqcat and manipulate dangerous substances.
Delimitation of the perimeter of industrial facilities included in Plaseqcat which handle dangerous substances.
It represents the approximate route of the gas pipelines (transport of natural gas).
Location of radiological surveillance facilities (IVR).
Locations where the radioactive facilities are located and the number of sources according to their category.
Distance of 2km radius around each radiological surveillance (IVR) facility. Municipalities within the radius are recommended to draft a municipal action plan for radiological risk.
Municipalities within a distance of 2 km around each radiological surveillance (IVR) facility. Therefore, it is municipalities that are recommended to draft a municipal action plan for radiological risk.
Municipalities where the radioactive facilities are located and the number of sources according to their category.