
Street directory

148 record(s)
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    The Street directory of the municipality of Llinars del Vallès is made up of a viewer on a cartographic fund of OpenStreetMap. The map contains different points of interest of Llinars del Vallès (Citizen services offices, Public equipments, Entities and associations, Companies and shops, Places of interest for visitors, Woman point and Places to eat and sleep). For each point, an interactive tab, shows the name of the place or establishment, his postal address, and in some cases, external links and images about them.

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    The map of the city of Granollers is a set of cartographic files that represent spatial information related to the location of the streets, services and facilities of the city, through a geoportal that uses Google Maps and OpenStreetMap as base maps. The addresses are shown in dot form and for each case, and complementary information is displayed interactively.

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    Map of Sant Andreu de Llavaneres is a set of geographical information regarding the location of the streets and the location of the services and facilities of the municipality of Sant Andreu de Llavaneres. The spatial representation of these data is carried out by means of a map, in PDF format, that shows the nomenclature and the drawn up one of the roads of the municipality, and locates the facilities, services and points of interest of Sant Andreu de Llavaneres.

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    Map of Sant Adrià de Besòs is a set of geographical information regarding the location of the streets and the location of the services and facilities of the municipality of Sant Adrià de Besòs. The spatial representation of these data is carried out by means of a map, in PDF format, that shows the nomenclature and the drawn up one of the roads of the municipality, that identifies the number of portal of each house; and locates the facilities, services and points of interest of Sant Adrià de Besòs.

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    The Cabrera d'Anoia Map is a set of cartographic information regarding the location and layout of the different roads and streets of the towns in the municipality of Cabrera d'Anoia. This data set is divided into three archives: Canaletes, Castell de Cabrera and Can Ros; all of them in JPEG format. Finally, there are interesting web links related to the cartography of the municipality.

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    The Mataró map is a set of cartographic information represented in an interactive viewer. The map shows the location and information of the different public and private services of the city: municipal services, sports, cultural, sanitary facilities and external organizations among others. It also allows searches of streets, addresses, place names and equipment.

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    Topographic cartography of Vacarisses is a set of geographical information that represents the orography of Vacarisses and that refers to the situation of the streets and roads of the municipality. The spatial representation of this data is carried out by means of a map, in PDF format, which shows the nomenclature and the layout of the streets; and that locates and identifies the portal numbers of each dwelling.

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    The Street directory of Mont-roig del Camp is a set of cartographic information regarding the location and identification of roads and streets in the municipality of Mont-roig del Camp. The spatial representation of these data is carried out by several maps, in PDF format, which show the nomenclature and layout of the roads in the municipality.

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    The Sant Feliu de Llobregat service map is a set of geographical information that represents the location of the services and facilities of the municipality. We see located spaces related to the following areas: general services, security and justice, religion, environment, social and assistance, cultural and youth, healthcare, funeral, educational, leisure centers, public sports equipment and markets. The plane also distinguishes the green areas of the built spaces. It is possible to download the document in PDF format.

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    Street directory of Castellar del Vallès is a set of cartographic archives that represent spatial information related to the location of streets, administrative divisions and places of interest, through a geoportal that uses Google Maps and ICGC maps as base maps. A point represents every location and they are classified into the following groups: Administration, Culture and leisure, Education, Sports facilities, Health, Basic services, Transportation, Places of interest and Blue areas. For each case, the point interactively displays complementary information.