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    Noise map of Vallfogona de Balaguer is a set of geographic information that aims to prevent or reduce noise pollution to which the population is exposed, and to preserve and / or improve the acoustic quality of the territory. The dataset consists of multiple drawings in PDF format, which represent, using vector data, the immission levels set as quality objectives in each given territory. The cartography classifies the spaces of the municipality of Vallfogona de Balaguer in: Zone of high acoustic sensitivity (A), Zone of moderate acoustic sensitivity (B), Zone of low acoustic sensitivity (C); categories that are broken down into subcategories referenced with an alphanumeric code.

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    Subsidiary planning regulation (NNSS) of Vallfogona de Balaguer is the cartographic instrument of urban planning of the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The set of geographical information of the NNSS of Vallfogona de Balaguer consists of two cartography blocks: Information plans and Management plans; all of them in PDF format. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the NNSS plans are: general and organic structure, land classification, zoning of urban and urbanizable land, sanitation infrastructures and regulation of undevelopable land.

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    The Maps of Vallfogona de Balaguer are a set of cartographic information regarding the location of the roads and the location of the services and facilities in the municipality of Vallfogona de Balaguer. The spatial representation of these data is carried out by means of several maps, in PDF format, that show the nomenclature and the drawn up one of the roads of the municipality; and that locate the facilities and the points of tourist interest.