Meteorological Service of Catalonia
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XEMA provides information on the identification, location and status of the network of Automatic Meteorological Stations, owned by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. On the occasion of the entry into force of Law 15/2001, of 14 November, the XEMA was created by grouping the stations of three different networks: the Network of Automatic Meteorological Stations (XMET) of the Meteorological Service of the Directorate General of Environmental Quality of the Department of the Environment, the Agrometeorological Network of Catalonia (XAC) of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and the Snow-related Network of Catalonia (XANIC) of the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia. The EMAs are equipped with sensors that provide information on weather variables that allow to know the weather situation in real time and improve the country's climate knowledge (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, global solar irradiance, precipitation and atmospheric pressure). It is a 2D vectorial set of geographic information at 1:5.000 scale.
The Atlas focuses on the climatic characterization of Catalonia in the period 1961-1990. This climate period has been established by the World Meteorological Organization as one of the international reference periods for climate series statistics. It consists of thermopluviometric information structured in 32 layers: 18 layers of precipitation (12 of the monthly averages, 4 of the seasonal averages, 1 of the annual average and 1 of the seasonal pluviometric regime) and 14 temperature layers (12 of the monthly averages, 1 of the annual average, and 1 of the annual average thermal amplitude). It is a database with 2D vector information at a scale of 1: 750.000.
The XDDE provides information on the identification, location and status of the set of geographic information Network for the Detection of atmospheric Electric Discharges v1.0, owned by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. The system allows the real-time detection of storms, as well as the very short-term forecast of their trajectory. The XDDE consists of four remote stations and a central processing system located at the SMC headquarters. The stations are located in Begues (el Baix Llobregat), Castellnou de Seana (el Pla d’Urgell), Muntanyola (Osona) and Amposta (el Montsià). The arrangement of the detectors is designed to provide good coverage throughout Catalonia, with an error in the location of lightning less than a kilometer for much of Catalonia. It is a 2D vectorial set of geographic information at 1:5.000 scale.
The Radiosonde Station information set provides information on the identification and location of the radiosonde station owned by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. It is a vector geographic information set of 2D at a scale of 1:5.000. The data recorded at the Radiosonde Station allow a vertical characterization of the atmosphere by means of instruments transported by a balloon that is launched automatically twice a day, at 11:00 and 23:00 hours UTC. The station is located on the roof of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona and belongs to the World Meteorological Network through the GTS (Global Telecommunication System).
Provides information on the identification, location and status of the network of radars (XRAD) owned by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia, which has four radars integrated into the XRAD. The XRAD is designed for the identification of meteorological echoes in the atmosphere and to provide quantitative estimates of rainfall of great meteorological and hydrological interest. The network is made up of four Doppler type radars that operate in band C: the radar of Vallirana, the radar of Puig d’Arques, the radar of Panadella and the radar of Tivissa-Llaberia. It is a 2D vectorial set of geographic information at 1:5.000 scale.