Climate Atlas of Catalonia 1961-1990 v1.0
The Atlas focuses on the climatic characterization of Catalonia in the period 1961-1990. This climate period has been established by the World Meteorological Organization as one of the international reference periods for climate series statistics. It consists of thermopluviometric information structured in 32 layers: 18 layers of precipitation (12 of the monthly averages, 4 of the seasonal averages, 1 of the annual average and 1 of the seasonal pluviometric regime) and 14 temperature layers (12 of the monthly averages, 1 of the annual average, and 1 of the annual average thermal amplitude). It is a database with 2D vector information at a scale of 1: 750.000.
- Date (Creation)
- 2008-12-31
- Identifier
- IDEC / atles-climatic-6190-v1r0
- Purpose
- The purpose of the atlas is to respond to the following use cases: to provide basic information to users who need climate information for their daily activities and carry out spatial analysis operations with other sets of geographic information.
- IDEC - llocs
- Catalonia
- Spain
- Europe
- IDEC - temes
- Climatology
- Meteorology
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- No limitations
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Terms of Use of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 750000
- Metadata language
- Catalan; Valencian
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Climatology, meteorology, atmosphere
- Description
- Spatial extent covers all Catalonia. Temporal extent refers to the dates of the source data.
- Begin date
- 1961-01-01
- End date
- 1990-12-31
- Unique resource identifier
- ETRS89 UTM zone 31 North (EPSG:25831)
- OnLine resource
- Data download
- OnLine resource
- Data download (JPEG)
- OnLine resource
- WMS view service ( OGC Web Map Service )
- OnLine resource
- WFS download service ( OGC Web Feature Service )
- OnLine resource
- Technical specifications
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
- Compliance with INSPIRE requirements (data)
- Evaluation method description
- The data of this dataset do not aim to achieve compliance with INSPIRE regulations. For this reason, its conformity is not evaluated and it is declared not conformant compliant by default.
Conformance result
Domain consistency
- Name of measure
- Compliance with INSPIRE requirements (metadata)
- Evaluation method description
- The compliance of the metadata is evaluated using the "INSPIRE Reference Validator" web tool. The metadata is considered correct when the only errors reported are related with the main language of the metadata file. These errors are due to the fact that Catalan is not included in the list of official languages of the European Union.
Conformance result
- Statement
- The drawing of the isohietas and the isotherms has been manual based on the rigorous study carried out by the specialists of the University of Barcelona, authors of the work (Javier Martín Vide and Josep M. Raso Nadal), with the technical advice of the Area of Climatology of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and the cartographic support of the old Cartographic Institute of Catalonia (currently, ICGC). The data used to prepare the precipitation maps come, except in the case of Barcelona (Fabra observatory), from the observatories of the National Institute of Meteorology network (currently the State Meteorological Agency). The series were digitized from the Advancement of climatological data of Catalonia, Territorial Meteorological Center of Catalonia. Based on the quality and completeness of the data, two types of precipitation stations are differentiated: primary, or reference, and secondary (see Annex E of the technical specifications). The primary precipitation stations are those that have complete series for the entire reference period and there are 31 in total. The secondary precipitation stations are those that have series with a limited number of data gaps, less than 17% (or 5 years) of the total data in the reference period and there are 110. The gaps have been covered by correlation for each month with primary stations, if r is greater than 0.6. If r is less than 0.6, other correlations have been made with secondary stations, or with other nearby complementary stations. If the value of the correlation coefficient is not reached, the gaps have been filled with the own monthly averages. When the values estimated by correlation are negative, the gap is filled with 0 mm. Reciprocally, when the primary or secondary reference station has a value of 0 mm, those of other nearby stations being also null, 0 mm has been assigned to the gap, instead of the value estimated by correlation. The data used for the preparation of the temperature maps come from the same source as the precipitation data. Likewise, two types of thermometric stations have been considered: the primary, or reference, and the secondary (see annex E of the technical specifications). The primary stations are those with practically complete series during the reference thirty-year period, and there are 24 in total. In no case do their gaps reach 9 months (less than 2.5% of the months of the period). The monthly averages are obtained directly, regardless of the gaps. The series of three stations, Girona, Lleida and Vic, were built from different stations located in the same municipality. The primary stations have served to extend the monthly averages of the incomplete stations to the reference period. The secondary thermometric stations have series that cover a high percentage of recordings during the reference period, although with gaps or gaps greater than those observed in the primary stations. In any case, the non-existent data does not reach 36 months (or three years), less than 10% of the months of the period. The monthly averages have been calculated directly, from existing data, or in comparison with the primary stations. In the first case, the deviating effect of the lack of data in extreme meteorological months or the existence of gaps at the beginning or end of the period has been taken into account.
- Description
- Fabra Observatory and observatories of the network of the National Meteorological Institute.
- File identifier
- atles-climatic-6190-v1r0 XML
- Metadata language
- Catalan; Valencian
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2022-03-30
- Metadata standard name
- INSPIRE Commission Regulation (EC) No 1205/2008
- Metadata standard version
- TG 2.0

Spatial extent
Provided by

Associated resources
Not available