la Llagosta
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Street directory of La Llagosta is a set of data regarding the location of services and facilities in the municipality. Map data is represented in a viewer, on an OpenStreetMap map background. The points identified in this data set correspond to: urban facilities, companies and shops, entities and associations, emergencies, municipal offices and places of interest. For each point, the name of the place or establishment, the postal address and an external link are displayed interactively.
Map of La Llagosta is a set of cartographic information referring to the situation of the streets and the location of the services and equipment of the municipality of La Llagosta. The spatial representation of these data is carried out by means of a map, in PDF format, that shows the nomenclature and the drawn up one of the roads of the municipality; and that locates the equipment, the services and the establishments of La Llagosta by means of points with diverse symbolism. The data set allows you to locate the following elements: car parks, schools, associations, green areas, emergencies, administrations, or the Post Office, among others. Finally, a second plan of location and accesses to the municipality is offered, where the access roads to the city are represented.
Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Download from
Representation of Catalonia by means of a continuous topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000, with administrative and tourist information, and published as a series of 41 county maps, as well printed on paper as digital raster image.
Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Consultable on-line, in a cartographic continuum, by means of a geoservice and the viewer of http://www.