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    Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Esplugues de Llobregat Horizon 2020 (PMUS) is a set of cartographic data relating to actions to encourage travel on foot, by bicycle or by public transport, with the aim of taking care of our environment and better quality. of citizens' lives. The set of geographical information of the PMUS of Esplugues is formed by multiple cartographic planes; all of them in PDF format: these are the Analysis, Diagnosis and Proposal Plans.

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    Mobility by car in Sant Cugat del Vallès is a set of data regarding the road information needed to travel by car to the municipality of Sant Cugat. The spatial representation of these data is carried out by means of two planes: Accesses to the municipality and Blue zones. The data set also offers the location of the city's car parks and train stations.

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    Public car parks in Sant Celoni is a set of geographical information regarding the location of the streets and the location of the car parks in the municipality, as well as the representation of the main facilities and points of interest. The spatial representation of this data is carried out by means of a map, in JPG format.

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    Regulated parking in Sant Cugat del Vallès is a set of geographical information regarding the location of the streets and the type of regulated car parks in the municipality of Sant Cugat. The spatial representation of this data is carried out by means of two planes in PDF format. The data set identifies and locates the blue and green surface parking areas.

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    Ullastrell car parks is a set of geographical information regarding the location of the car parks in the municipality. The spatial representation of this data is carried out by means of an interactive viewer. For each car park, a drop-down point offers additional relative information, such as the address or its capacity.

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    Map of public transport in Sant Joan Despí is a set of geographical information regarding the route of the urban bus and the location of the public transport stops in the municipality of Sant Joan Despí. The spatial representation of this data is carried out by means of a map, in PDF format, which also represents the nomenclature and the layout of the roads in the municipality.

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    Sustainable urban mobility plan of Barberà del Vallès (PMUS 2015-2020) is a set of cartographic data relating to actions to encourage travel on foot, by bicycle or by public transport, with the aim of taking care of our environment and better quality of life. citizens. The set of geographical information of the PMU of Barberà del Vallès is formed by multiple cartographic planes; all of them in PDF format.

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    Regulated parking in Viladecans is a set of geographical information regarding the location of the streets and the type of regulated car parks in the municipality of Viladecans. The spatial representation of this data is carried out by means of a plan in PDF format. The data set identifies and locates the blue and orange surface parking areas.

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    Cerdanyola del Vallès reduced mobility car parks is a set of geographic information regarding the location of adapted car parks in the municipality. The spatial representation of this data is carried out by means of an interactive viewer. For each car park, a drop-down point offers additional relative information, such as the address or the identifier.

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    Map of car parks, facilities and the urban bus of Premià de Mar is a set of geographical information regarding the situation of the streets and the location of the services and equipment of the municipality, as well as the representation of the route of the urban bus of Premià de Mar. Mar. The spatial representation of this data is carried out by means of a map, in PDF format.