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    The Strategic noise map of Terrrassa is a mapping information set that establishes the acoustic zoning of the municipality. The map has a viewer that allows you to consult the layers of the dataset, which are: Day and night sound levels, Acoustic qualification of the territory, Acoustic quality target levels, Zones beyond the limits, etc. The mapping also has other information of interest or the previous strategic noise map, corresponding to 2007.

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    The Terrassa Citizen's Guide is a set of cartographic information represented in an interactive viewer, regarding the location of the points of interest of the municipality. For each municipal facility the data set offers additional information, such as the postal address, a telephone, etc. It represents the location of the City Council, primary care centers, pharmacies, cultural, educational, sports or healthcare facilities, etc. Finally, the search for a specific address or the download of cartographic information in vector and alphanumeric formats is offered.

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    Terrassa urban planning information is a cartographic data set that contains archives on different instruments for town planning in the municipality. The cartography is distributed through an interactive viewer, in which the following archives are represented in vector form: the Terrassa Urban Planning Plan (POUM), the cadastral parcel, the Administrative Divisions and the Tramer or Calleer. Finally, notify that the dataset has a search filter to speed up realizable queries.

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Download from