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    WMS service for visualization of geological maps 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 in image format.

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    WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 10 - Demography, of Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing demographic data of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements.

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    WMS service for visualization of areas with slopes greater than 20%.

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    WMS service for visualization of information about coastal disasters documented significant storms and the collection of information about the coastal areas of the "Llibre verd de l'estat de les zones costaneres a Catalunya 2010" ICOAST for the project (ECHO / SUB / 2013/661009).

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    WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 7 - Environmental monitoring facilities, of Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing the dataset of Environmental monitoring facilities of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the weather automatic stations network (XEMA), the atmospheric lightning detection network, the radiosonde station and the weather radar network of the Weather Service of Catalonia.

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    WMS service for visualization of the Geological map of Catalonia 1:50,000.

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    WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 2 - Land cover, of Annex II of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing the dataset of Land cover of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the Land Cover Map of Catalonia (MCSC).

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    WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 9 - Protected sites, of Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing the dataset of Protected sites ENPE of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from the data set Natural Areas of Special Protection (ENPE).

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    WMS service for visualization of seismical information until 2019.

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    WMS service for viewing information related to Theme 1 - Elevation, of Annex II of the INSPIRE Directive, in the geographical area of Catalonia. The service allows viewing the dataset of Elevation of Catalonia, according the Directive requirements, derived from spot elevations from the Territorial Topographic Reference of Catalonia.