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    Urban planning and regulations of Castellfollit de la Roca is a set of geographic and cartographic data that aims to openly inform about the urban planning and regulations of the municipality. The points it deals with are represented by six plans and two text documents, all of them downloadable in PDF format, and are: General and organic structure, Soil classification, Non-developable soil treatment, Urban land (divided into detailed uses and alignments and level), Basic network of technical services, the Report of such subsidiary regulations (with modifications and adjustments pending) and the catalog of farmhouses.

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    El Mapa municipal és el document resultant de la delimitació completa d'un municipi, tal i com estableix el decret 244/2007. El Mapa municipal de Catalunya és una base de dades 2D d'escala 1:5000 dels traçats de les línies i fites corresponents als límits municipals oficials del territori de Catalunya.

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    Topographic cartography covering part of the territory of the Catalonia, compiled in 3 dimensions. It includes information related to the following layers of information: relief, hydrography, roads, and other transport networks; buildings, constructions and facilities; land covers, toponymy and municipal inventories. Scale of reference: 1:1 000.

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of a continuous topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000, with administrative and tourist information, and published as a series of 41 county maps, in digital raster images.

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Download from

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    Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Consultable on-line, in a cartographic continuum, by means of a geoservice and the viewer of http://www.