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  • Categories    

    Geographical distribution of people, including population characteristics and activity levels, aggregated by grid, region, administrative unit or other analytical unit.

  • Categories  

    Geographical base that describes the subdivision of the municipalities of Catalonia into districts and census sections.

  • Categories  

    Geographical base that describes the subdivision of the municipalities of Catalonia into districts and census sections.

  • Categories    

    Geographical base that describes the subdivision of the municipalities of Catalonia into districts and census sections.

  • Categories  

    Geographical base that describes the subdivision of the municipalities of Catalonia into districts and census sections.

  • Categories  

    Geographical base that describes the subdivision of the municipalities of Catalonia into districts and census sections.

  • Categories  

    Geographical base that describes the subdivision of the municipalities of Catalonia into districts and census sections.

  • Categories  

    Geographical base that describes the subdivision of the municipalities of Catalonia into districts and census sections.

  • Categories  

    Geographical base that describes the subdivision of the municipalities of Catalonia into districts and census sections.

  • Categories  

    Geographical base that describes the subdivision of the municipalities of Catalonia into districts and census sections.