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    Espolla's Map is a set of cartographic information represented on a map in PDF format, referring to the location of the services and facilities of the municipality linked to Mobility (parking lots, bus stops, reception of caravans), Leisure and free time (restaurants, playgrounds, dance venues), Shops (food), Culture and history (museums, archaeological sites, church), Municipal facilities (schools, sports centers, fountains, post offices, town hall) and Health (health network and defibrillators).

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    The cartography of the Espolla Municipal Urban Development Plan (POUM) is made up of seven cartography files of different scales in PDF format; Likewise, the data set also contains the Unitary Document and the seven respective modifications that have been made. The POUM is the municipality's urban planning instrument that directs the development of the Espolla territory. The aspects of the municipality defined by the POUM are classified in this planning figure into seven topics: Topographic, Buildings on Non-developable Land, the Core Order, Sanitation Infrastructures, Drinking Water Infrastructures, Public Lighting Infrastructures and Soil Regime.