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    Information of the Natural Environment in the framework of the SITxell project. Vegetation landscape structure classes in UTM of 2x2 km, from the Habitats Cartography of Catalonia.

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    Information of the Natural Environment within the framework of the SITxell project.

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    Mapping of the food supply service for human consumption taking into account the production of agricultural crops. The approximation established is based on the calculation of average agricultural yields in biophysical value (kg / ha and year) of crops for human consumption. An estimate has been made, based on the expert knowledge of Unió de Pagesos technicians, of the percentage of agricultural production destined for human consumption for each agricultural crop group.

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    Information of the Natural Environment within the framework of the SITxell project.

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    Socioeconomic dynamism in agriculture (the agrarian dynamism is formed by the economic potential of the agricultural sector and by the agrarian structure of the territory)

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    Information of the Natural Environment within the framework of the SITxell project.

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    Information of the Natural Environment within the SITxell project. Reclassification of the geological base 1:50000 of the IGME Magna plan, digitized by the ICC - DMAH.

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    Information of the Natural Environment within the framework of the SITxell project.

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    Information of the Natural Environment in the framework of the SITxell project. Units of the Legend of the Habitats Cartography of Catalonia corresponding to agricultural habitats, with the addition of classification parameters based on the presence and arrangement of natural vegetation.

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    Cartography of the habitats of the counties of Barcelona, version 3. It is the record of an update of version 2 (2012) in which, apart from the planimetric revision based on the orthophotomaps of the ICGC, the legend passes to Being the List of the habitats of Catalonia, each polygon counted a single habitat, the minimum area is reduced to 1.5 ha, and there is a layer of points for the habitats of reduced size. The attributes of the map contain the CORINE habitats, the habitats of community interest (HIC), the EUNIS classification of habitats, the classification of the LPEHT (Spanish Standard List of Terrestrial Habitats), also with various attributes of valuation of interest natural and of the grau d'amenaça dels hàbitats.