Map access service
Type of resources
Available actions
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Service types
WMS service for visualization of biophysical variables of trees, such as total aerial biomass, total aerial carbon, volume with bark, foliar biomass, basal area, tree cover, average normal diameter, medium height, foliar area index and density of feet per hectare.
WMS service for visualization of information related to housing, published by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia). It includes information such as rental data and sale prices.
WMS service for visualization of information related to the landscape, published by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia). It includes information such as landscape units.
WMS service for visualization of the basic infrastructures that are critical in case of snowfall.
WMS service for visualization of transport flows of dangerous goods by road and rail.
WMS service for visualization of the industrial establishments that handle dangerous substances that are included in the Plaseqcat emergency plan and the theoretical affectation areas in the event of a serious accident.
WMS service for visualization of radioactive facilities and the theoretical affected areas in the event of a serious accident at a facility in the metal recovery sector adhering to the radiological surveillance protocol.
WMS service for visualization of the Geological map of Catalonia 1:50,000, by layers.
WMS service for visualization of the main types of land covers, such as urbanized, farming, forestry areas or water bodies.
WMS service for visualization of UTM grids, 1x1 km and 10x10 km, for species distribution and other applications.