Coordinate reference systems
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Set of marks in the territory within a specific local area, called geodetic benchmarks, whose location has been measured based on topographic/geodetic techniques and have been materialized on the ground with landmarks or signs, and whose coordinates have been set following the procedure defined by the Integrated Geodetic Positioning Service of Catalonia (SPGIC). These benchmarks are derived from the Utilitarian geodetic Network of Catalonia but are not integrated within it.
WMS service for visualization of the survey points of the (geodetic) Utilitarian Network of Catalonia. The service allows to view the card (details) of each survey point.
The Geodesic vertex network of Sabadell is a set of geographic information represented in an interactive viewer. This data set shows the location of the geodesic vertices located inside the municipality of Sabadell. The viewer allows you to consult the geodesic vertices of these three geodetic networks: the Utility Network (XU), the Main Polygonal Network (XPP) and the Secondary Polygonal Network (XPS). For each vertex the respective unique identifier is shown. Also, the viewer allows to perform searches of streets, addresses and download the reviews of the vertices by their identifier.
The Municipal Topographic Network is constituted by points that represent the vertices of the XTM-LH. The coordinates of the points are in the reference system ETRS89 and projection UTM time zone 31 North and the ortometric level is the result of applying the geoide EGM08D595. Points have some associated attributes that describe them.
Catalogue Web Service OGC:CSW 2.0.2 ISO AP with INSPIRE extention that contains and allows to consult the records of metadata of the datasets and services of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Catalonia