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Cadastral mapping of Amposta is a set of data that, through an interactive map viewer of Instamaps, shows the cadastre of Amposta with a wide range of options to choose a base (background) for the map, as well as the option to visualize cadastre, cadastral map or municipal boundaries. It contains a search engine to find specific plots according to location or cadastral reference. You also have the option to create your own map based on specific interests.
The mapping of the Municipal Urban Planning Plan (POUM) of Amposta is made up of text files and maps of different scales in PDF format. The POUM is the urban planning instrument of the municipality that directs the development of the territory of Amposta. The aspects of the municipality that defines the POUM are classified in this planning figure in 4 areas, and in each area there are several parts: the POUM (01. Documentation; contains reports, regulations, studies and reports, 02. Information plans; contains maps and information plans on various topics, 03. Management plans; contains maps, 04. Catalogs; contains heritage catalogs and inventory of buildings on undeveloped land), POUM Development (contains special plans, partial plans and specific modifications ), POUM Modifications (contains all the modifications that have been made) and Bug Fixes.
Amposta Mobility is a data set that includes three maps referring to mobility in the municipality: - Urban plan showing the traffic senses. - Urban plan showing the road hierarchy. - Urban map showing the coexistence spaces with priority of pedestrians and cyclists (green network).
Commerce, services and industry of Amposta is a data set that contains information on all Amposta businesses, with the possibility of filtering by theme (food, wellness, culture, tourism, fashion, transport, leisure, health, facilities and maintenance ...). Each business has its own file in which appears a link to go to the web, contact, logo, location, schedule, images of the place and a brief explanation of the services or products offered.
Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Download from
Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Download from
Topographic cartography covering part of the territory of the Catalonia, compiled in 3 dimensions. It includes information related to the following layers of information: relief, hydrography, roads, and other transport networks; buildings, constructions and facilities; land covers, toponymy and municipal inventories. Scale of reference: 1:1,000.
Representation of Catalonia by means of topographic cartography at scale 1:50 000 with administrative and tourist information. Download from
Map of Catalonia at 1:1 000 000 with topographic, hypsometric, bathymetric and road information.