
Noise pollution

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    Noise map of Les Cabanyes is a set of cartographic information that aims to prevent, prevent or reduce noise pollution to which the population is exposed, and to preserve and / or improve the acoustic quality of the territory. The data set consists of a map in PDF format, which represents by means of vector data, the immission levels set as quality objectives in each given territory. The cartography classifies the spaces of the municipality of Les Cabanyes in: Zone of high acoustic sensitivity (A), Zone of moderate acoustic sensitivity (B), Zone of low acoustic sensitivity (C); categories that are broken down into subcategories referenced with an alphanumeric code.

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    The noise map of Alella is a set of cartographic information whose purpose is to prevent or reduce the noise pollution to which the population is exposed and the preservation or improvement of the acoustic quality of the territory. The dataset is made up of a four-sheet map in PDF format, representing vector levels of emission levels set as quality goals in each given territory using vector data. The map classifies the Alella territories into: High acoustic sensitivity zone (A), Moderate acoustic sensitivity zone (B), Low acoustic sensitivity zone (C); categories that are broken down into subcategories referenced with an alphanumeric code.

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    Noise map of Esplugues de Llobregat is a set of cartographic information that aims to prevent or reduce noise pollution to which the population is exposed, and to preserve and / or improve the acoustic quality of the territory. The data set consists of a map in PDF format, which represents by means of vector data, the immission levels set as quality objectives in each given territory. The cartography classifies the spaces of the municipality of Esplugues in: Zone of high acoustic sensitivity (A), Zone of moderate acoustic sensitivity (B), Zone of low acoustic sensitivity (C); categories that are broken down into subcategories referenced with an alphanumeric code.

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    The Noise map of Abrera is a set of cartographic information whose propouse is to prevent or reduce the noise pollution to which the population is exposed and the preservation and or improvement of the acoustic quality of the territory. The dataset is made up of a map of a sheet in PDF format, which represents, using vector data, the levels of emission set as quality targets in each specific territory, establishing the zones of acoustic sensitivity. The map classifies the Abrera territories into: High acoustic sensitivity zone (A), Moderate acoustic sensitivity zone (B), Low acoustic sensitivity zone (C); categories that are broken down into subcategories referenced with an alphanumeric code.

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    The Noise map of Vilafranca del Penedès is a set of cartographic information whose purpose is to prevent or reduce the noise pollution to which the population is exposed and the preservation or improvement of the acoustic quality of the territory. The dataset is made up of two maps in PDF format, that contain the emission levels set as quality goals in each given territory: a first map of scale 1: 20000, and a second map that it is divided into two planes of scale 1: 10000. The map classifies the territories of the municipality into: (A4) Predominance of residential land, (B1) Coexistence of residential land with existing transport activities and / or infrastructures, (C1) Recreational and entertainment uses and (C2) Predominance of industrial land.

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    The noise map of Berga is a set of information formed by three maps (Berga, Colònia Rosal and Industrial park “La Valldan”) that establish the acoustic zoning of the municipality and indicates the acoustic quality of the territory. The information is represented on 1:5000 ICGC's Orthophoto as base map. The areas studied are classified as: High acoustic sensitivity zone (a), Moderate acoustic sensitivity zone (b), Low acoustic sensitivity zone (c) and in Special regime acoustic zone (ZARE). The data represented were collected by the City Council in 2011.

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    The Strategic noise map of Terrrassa is a mapping information set that establishes the acoustic zoning of the municipality. The map has a viewer that allows you to consult the layers of the dataset, which are: Day and night sound levels, Acoustic qualification of the territory, Acoustic quality target levels, Zones beyond the limits, etc. The mapping also has other information of interest or the previous strategic noise map, corresponding to 2007.

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    The Noise map of Sant Feliu de Llobregat (2015) is a set of cartographic information that represents the acoustic zoning of the municipality, and which indicates the acoustic quality of the different environments. The dataset is rendered in an interactive viewer, which uses ICGC mapping backgrounds. The analyzed spaces are classified into zones of high (A), moderate (B) and low (C) acoustic sensitivity; and indicate the values ​​of the noise emission limits for the day, evening, and night periods. It has the information mentioned for each cadastral plot and for each street section. Otherwise, the zones of special protection of the acoustic quality and the acoustic zones of special regime are shown. Finally, it offers the possibility to search for a specific address or to download cartographic information in vector and alphanumeric formats.

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    Noise map of Collsuspina is a set of cartographic information that aims to prevent or reduce noise pollution to which the population is exposed, and to preserve and / or improve the acoustic quality of the territory. The data set consists of a map in PDF format, which represents by means of vector data, the immission levels set as quality objectives in each given territory. The cartography classifies the spaces of the municipality of Collsuspina in: Zone of high acoustic sensitivity (A), Zone of moderate acoustic sensitivity (B), Zone of low acoustic sensitivity (C); categories that are broken down into subcategories referenced with an alphanumeric code.

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    The loud map of Mataró is a set of cartographic information formed by an interactive viewer, which establishes the acoustic zoning of the municipality and, therefore, indicates the acoustic quality of the surroundings. We can consult a layer with the results captured during the daytime hours and another one formed by the data captured at nighttime hours. The results of the studied areas are classified into eight classes with an amplitude of 5 dBa each, starting with "less 45 dBA" and being the highest, the "more than 75 dBa".