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    The Map of l'Ametlla del Vallès is a set of cartographic information represented in an interactive viewer, regarding the location of the services and facilities of the municipality. The vector representation of this data is accompanied by additional information, such as a postal address, telephone number or web page address. The dataset contains the following files: Entities and associations, Equipments, Places of interest, Where to sleep, Where to eat, Citizen service offices and Companies and shops.

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    Geographic Information Web City Council of l'Ametlla del Vallès is a set of cartographic information represented in the Instamaps viewer, referring to the Cadastre, the Land Ratings and the Sectors of planning and areas of management of the municipality. The vector representation of this data is accompanied by an alphanumeric code that refers to the concrete soil qualification.

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    El Mapa municipal és el document resultant de la delimitació completa d'un municipi, tal i com estableix el Decret 209/2015 i el Decret 244/2007. El Mapa municipal de Catalunya és una base de dades 2D d'escala 1:5000 dels traçats de les línies i fites corresponents als límits municipals oficials del territori de Catalunya.