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    The Torrent Municipal Urban Development Plan (POUM) is the cartographic instrument for urban planning in the municipality that directs the development of the municipal territory. The Torrent POUM geographical information set is made up of multiple information and regulatory plans, all in PDF format. The planning areas of the municipality defined by the POUM plans are: Land regime and general infrastructures, General and organic structure of the territory, Land regime and zoning of undeveloped land, Detailed zoning of urban and developable land, Services (water, sanitation, pluvial sanitation, electricity, and telecommunications) and Suspension of licenses.

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    Torrent Civil Protection Plan aims to be the organic framework that coordinates the actions and response of the Public Services aimed at the attention and response to emergencies within the municipality. The geographical information set of the Torrent Civil Protection Plan consists of six plans: Municipal term 1: 50000, municipal term 1: 5000 and 1: 10000, and Identification of the risk and vulnerability: Infocat, Neucat, Inuncat and Sismicat.